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When I got to school, they had pictures and posters of Greg all over the place.
The morning announcements was about him.
We had a moment of silence.
People were crying and sad.

At lunch,I heard people talking about Maya and Zulia.
It was so many different rumors that I just wasn't going to clear up.
One girl at my table kept looking at me and Whispering to someone across from her.
I couldn't even eat. It was nerve wrecking.
"I heard Maya got life." The girl said shaking her head.
"Online it say Zulia got 6 months for breaking into her house." One girl pointed at me.
Everybody at the table was looking at me.
I just got up and went to the bathroom.
I stared in the mirror and started crying.
"I knew today would be hard." I said to myself turning the water on and splashing it on my face.
A group of girls walked in, "Hey, isn't is crazy your Bestfriend is locked up for breaking into your house?" One girl said to me in a joke.
I rolled my eyes and went into a stall to use the bathroom.
"Do you think she had something to do with that baby dying ?" Another girl Whispered loudly.
I tried my hardest to mute them out.
"I heard her and Maya planned it together." The girls were just gossiping away, all the way until they walked out.
I went into my phone and went on Facebook.
I went to Zulia's page.
A lot of people was saying, "Free you."
Somebody tagged her arrest article.
"Zulia Harper,17, was arrested for home invasion on North 4th street apartment complex. The victim didn't press charges so the state gave her 6 to 8 months."
I then went on Maya's page.
She was getting a lot of hate messages.
Calling her "a "baby killer" and "back stabber."
Then I saw a article saying she was getting life in prison for admitting the killing of baby Lilly.
I cried as I read everything.
I could hear a girl walk in the sounded like Ava.
She was talking to another girl.
"If your little brother's momma didn't call the police in the first place, all this could of been avoided." The girl said to Ava.
Ava let out a deep breath, "If they didn't go over to her house snatching keys and walking into her apartment,all this could of been avoided." Ava snapped.
I smiled and opened the stall door.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora