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Chuck came over not even 30 minutes later.
He was such a help moving my things in.
The shelter gave me a table , and a tv.
"Well, that's everything." I told him sitting on the floor.
"This is all you have ?" He asked me looking at the empty space.
I nodded and sighed, "Yeah unfortunately.. but I'll get more stuff soon."
He sat next to me on the floor, " well, I wouldn't mind helping you get furniture."
I looked into his eyes , "That would be nice,but..why?"
He looked at me funny, "What do you mean ?"
" you have a wife? Kids ? Girlfriend,"
He laughed, "No kids, never married..I had a girlfriend almost 3 years ago..she died in a car accident on her way to work."
I looked down at the floor, "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that."
He nodded, "It's ok."
We were silent for a minute.
", how old are you ?" I asked breaking the silence.
" well..I'm 28. What about you ?"
I cringed.
I just knew he was going to flip when I told him my age.
"Young." I told him low.
"How young ?"He asked sounding concerned.
"Well, I'll be 17 in 3 months."
His mouth dropped, "Your only 16 ? With a body like that ?"
I looked at him ashamed.
He stood up off the floor, "Wow." He said, then put his arms behind his head.
"I'm sorry." I told him sadly.
"It's ok, I mean, you got to be a bright 16 year old to afford a apartment." He said as a joke.
I bit my lip, then looked away from him.
Only if he really knew how I got this apartment.
"And, it's something else I should tell you."
I told him standing up.
"What's that ?" He asked sounding scared.
We both stood silent for a second.
"How far along ?" He asked feeling on my stomach. "you don't look pregnant." He said.
"I'm 4 months." I told him embarrassed.
"Where is the baby daddy ?"
I shook my head.
I guess he saw the pain in my eyes because he gave me a hug.
I hugged him back, tightly.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now