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Landen dropped me off at home.
I fell to sleep in his car, I was so tired.
"See you tomorrow, I'll pick you up again." Landen said as I got out, " I appreciate it." I said then hurrying into the house.
I grabbed Zeek from Fanny's apartment and went in the house and laid down.
I stared at my phone debating if I should try to call Ava.
I haven't heard from her since the club accident weeks ago.
"Let me just see if she is ok." I said to myself.
I called her phone and it was off, like she haven't paid her phone bill.
I then decided to call my mom. I haven't heard her voice in months. I really wanted to see how she was doing.
Her phone was off too. It said the same thing Ava phone said, "This number is not in service."
I sighed and stared at my phone.
I missed Charles , but I couldn't just up and call him.
It was a waiting game with him.
I jumped on Facebook to look at my news feeds.
I really have not been getting on Facebook lately.
I had so many other things going on and Facebook wasn't something I needed to do.
The first thing I saw was people posting pictures of Zulia.
She was out of jail.
I was so shocked.
She has been out of jail for a week so far.
People said she has been talking and was happy.
I was happy for her.
I wanted to call her but I know her and her family wasn't fund of me.
I mean, she was locked up for breaking into my house.
I was strolling looking at other things on Facebook, and ended up falling to sleep while doing it.

I woke up and instantly started getting ready for work.
I took a shower, flat ironed my hair , and got Zeek ready to go over to Fanny's house.
"I made you some lemon and ginger bread with vegan bacon." She said handing me a plate with foil on it.
I smiled, "Did you make tea too?" I asked.
She handed me a hot coffee cup with a lid, "I sure did, here you go."
Fanny was keeping me healthy and my blood pressure down.
I took my blood pressure pill, my vitamins, and sipped my tea.
I was waiting for Landen by the front door.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now