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Finally, spring break was here!
One whole week off from school. I needed a vacation so bad.
I promised myself no studying the whole week, just straight fun.
Zulia got back from vacation soon as spring break hit.
The first thing she did was come to my house.
She jumped out her mom's car and ran full speed towards me.
"Bitchhhh!" She gave me a huge hug.
"Now, where my bag ?" She asked rolling her neck .
"Inside...come in."
I waved at her mom as she pulled off.
We ran up to my room and started modeling the bags on our shoulder in my big wall mirror.
"This is so fye to me ! I can see this bag with some pink or black heels, and a pink shirt ." She explained as she posed.
I nodded, "Super cute."
"I wish I had a butt like yours."Zulia said sadly to me.
She sat next to me on the bed.
"Girl now, don't start that shit ." I told her.
"I'm just saying, your body is everything."
I smirked at her, "Your beautiful Bestfriend." I reinsured her then gave her a hug.
She always get randomly insecure, and I really hated that.
My mom came in the room, "Hey Zulia , how was your trip ?"
Zulia smiled at her, "Hey mrs.Smith, it was great. thanks for asking, and thank you for the beautiful purse, I love it."
My mom smiled back, "Oh your so welcomed honey..Charles and I are cooking dinner downstairs , we will let y'all know when it's done."
She said then leaving the room.
"Oh yes, I can finally meet the famous Charles!" Zulia said excited.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Yeah, they are cooking spaghetti , fish, and garlic bread too... I can't wait." I rubbed my stomach and giggled.

My mom called Zulia and I down to set the table.
"You guys want salad ? I can wipe that up real quick ."
Charles asked grabbing a big salad bowl from under the sink.
"Sure!" My mom said placing the spaghetti in the middle of the table.
Zulia could not keep her eyes off of Charles, she was damn near fantasizing about him.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now