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"I gotta go." I told Peter grabbing my purse off the coffee table, then my keys.
"No, stay with me baby."
"!" I screamed then ran out the door to my car.
I was so fucked up, I didn't feel like I could drive.
So I called Charles.
I couldn't call my momma because I knew she would flip out.

Charles ended up walking to my car when I sent him my location.
"You came yayyyy!" I said falling out my car and into his arms.
"Girl..your momma gonna kill you !"
He said helping me back into the car.
"Why you ain't drive your car here ?" I asked.
"How was I going to drive your car back if I had my car Storm?" He asked starting my car up and pulling off.
"My momma going to kill both of us." I giggled lifting my shirt up.
"Storm ..why did you get so drunk ??" He asked concerned.
"I'm not just drunk..I'm rolling too !!!" I screamed laughing taking my shirt off.
Charles stared at me and looked me up and down.
"Put your shirt on girl." He told me looking at me then back at the road.
"Touch it ." I told him pulling his hand from the steering wheel and then putting it between my legs.
He moved his hand away fast , "Stop Storm...this isn't right..I love your mom."
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms , "Whatever, take me home."
I stared out the window trying to control myself from throwing up.
"You need to go in and get some rest." He told me pulling into the drive way.
"Your mom is sleep she doesn't know I did this for you ..and we are not going to tell her ok." I ignored him and then stumbled to the front door.
"Shhhhhh." Charles was trying to keep me quite.

He helped me into my room and laid me down on my bed.
"You never answered my question you like my body?"
Charles sighed and hurried out my room.
"Good night daddy!" I yelled out to him.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now