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"Hey honey, I know you are doing homework but, I'm about to go out of town with some of my cousins to Mississippi to see some family. I'll be gone for a week. Do you have somebody to watch him ?"
I was disappointed, because I knew I had nobody to watch him while she was gone.
"Ugh, yeah. It's fine. Have fun mom." I hugged her.
"Oh baby, I'm going to miss you."
She reached in her pocket and handed me 200 dollars, "Take care of that baby while I'm gone."
I smiled, "Thanks! Love you! Be safe! Have fun."
I stuck the money in my pocket and put Zeek in his crib.
"We should talk more." Zulia said.
"FaceTime more, so I can see Zeek."
I smiled, "Yeah, maybe, we could come visit."
I said.
"Yeah, I could ask my mom." She said sounding unsure.
"Ask your mom? You never had to do that before." I joked.
"Yeahhhhh, but every since things has happened, ya know, things has been different."
I went in the kitchen to make Zeek a bottle, "Oh no, your mom still doesn't like me ?" I asked catching on.
Zulia didn't say anything.
I smacked my teeth.
"Things will get better." She said sounding unsure again.
I felt bad.
I had a call on the other line, "Charles".
"Zulia, I'll call you back." I told her clicking over.
"Hello?" I said.
"So, you just fucked this nigga right after fucking me?" He asked sounding jealous.
"Charles, your not my man."
"But that might be Ava's baby daddy."
"I just found that out! It's not my fault your daughter a hoe."
"Look Storm, for now on, I'm going to pick Zeek up and drop him off. We can't see each other or talk to each other ever again."
I was confused, "What?"
"Yeah, because you either going to have me back in jail or burning."
I rolled my eyes, "You will never catch me with a STD!" I snapped.
"Are you sure ? Did you use a condom with him ?" He asked in a high pitch voice.
I ignored the question, "Why were they all in your room earlier ?" I asked.
He took a deep sigh, "They were helping me with some money issues. Helping me get back on my feet."
"Yall needed Alex for that?" I asked pissed off, "Because me and Alex was supposed to hang out today but he was with yall!" I said.
I was so bitter.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now