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"I could hear moaning and groaning. It made me sick to my stomach. "I can't believe this!" I said, hanging up on Zulia. I couldn't even talk to her at the moment - my mom was seriously having sex! I burst out of my room and headed downstairs. I needed to smoke. I jumped in my car and drove over to my weed dealer's house. His house wasn't that far, only about 5 minutes away. His house was right next to Zulia's apartment. Luckily, he was standing outside with some guys, smoking. "Hey, Hundo?" I yelled out my window to him. "What's up?" I asked. He walked over to my car. He's a short, stubby Mexican guy. I've been buying weed from him since I started smoking weed two years ago, when I was 14. He used to hook up with Zulia, that's how I met him. He used to give Zulia and me free weed until she stopped hooking up with him. Which is gross because we were kids, and he's in his 20s. "Hey, beautiful," he said in his Mexican accent. "Hey," I smiled, handing him a 20-dollar bill. "Here, give me the drugs." He took the 20 and reached into his pocket to hand me a 20-dollar bag of weed. "Thanks." I said, pulling off towards Zulia's apartment. I always smoked with her. She always supplied the swishers since her mom runs a candy store in her house that sells swishers and backwoods. I texted her and told her to come outside and bring a swisher. Her hyped-ass was out of the house in 30 seconds. She hopped in the car and handed me some silver Diamond swishers. "Bitch, don't hang up on me ever again in your life, or I'll fight you!" I snatched the swishers out of her hand. "Look, I'm so pissed off because I heard my mom fucking that man!" Zulia's eyes lit up, "So, you met him?"
I nodded.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now