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I still couldn't believe that  Zulia spit on me the way she did.
I was in the shower scrubbing my face for about 20 minutes.
When I got out, I realized that Charles called me.
I been looking for his call all day.
I have not heard from him since he dropped Zeek off.
I called him back.
"Hello?" A familiar voice said.
I was confused.
"Hello ?" I said.
"Yeah, you calling for Charles or Ava?" They laughed.
"Is this ? Angel?" I asked confused.
"Don't it sound like me bitch?" I started to get heated.
"Why are you with them?" I asked nervously.
"Actually, me and my dad is with should FaceTime me." She said then hung up.
I was getting so nervous.
I went in my room and sat on the bed next to Zeek in his crib, "Hopefully everything is ok Zeek." I rubbed his red hair.
I FaceTimed Charles phone.
I gasped at what I saw.
Charles and Ava was tied up in a basement it looked like.
They were squirming around.
My heart dropped.
"What the fuck are you doing Angel?" I asked in a panic.
"They wanted to leave and go to Chicago with the money we helped them get!? Charles just want to stop what me and my father got going on."
She pointed the gun at Charles, "He is not taking my money maker anywhere."
"Please don't shoot him!" I cried, "I'll do anything!" I said wiping my tears away.
"Well first, I need my 20 grand back I helped them get, since they want to betray me."
Angel smacked Charles with the gun across his face.
I gasped, "Oh please don't hurt him Angel!"
Charles looked knocked out and Ava was screaming and crying.
Sam was laughing.
"Why shouldn't I kill him ? He was trying to take my money maker away from me!"
"Look Angel! I'll dance for you ! I'll make your money for you ! Just let them go!" I cried.
"No, no! I asked you already remember, you said no. Besides, Ava owe me money for all the drugs I have given her and never paid back, she has to dance."
My door buzzed, I looked outside to see Landen.
"The door is not opened down here! Buzz me up!" He yelled up at me.
I buzzed him in.
"I just called you so you can watch me kill your baby daddy!" Angel smiled pointing the gun into his mouth.
"I'll do anything Angel! Please stop!" I cried.
"If you meet me down here and give me 20,000 dollars, I'll let him go, but Ava is staying with me."

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum