Chapter 2

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Home coming was coming up and I really didn't want to go.
Zulia did , but she had no date.
She was going anyways.
I wasn't never interested in that type of stuff .
I don't like going out in crowds , or kicking it, or going on dates .
I always been into my books and going to museums and art galleries.
Zulia and I were totally opposite.
She was always the loud fun one and I always been the quite cute girl.
My mom wanted me to go to the dance so bad. She always say , "It creates memories!" But I really don't see the point.
I'm not interested in any guys at school. They were always  young and dumb.
I don't even think I'll go to prom.

One Saturday, I was at home studying when my mom came up in my room saying she was doing a double at work and she wasn't going to be back until the middle of the night.
I nodded ok ,and I continued reading my History book.
"Charles will be here , he is downstairs cooking lunch for you guys. Y'all have fun." She said closing the door.
I ignored her.I was to be busy studying .

A couple hours later, Charles came in my room with a plate of tacos .
"Give them books a rest, you are  already very smart."
Charles said putting my plate down on my text book.
"Looks good." I said picking a taco up to eat it.
"How bout we go downstairs and watch a's Saturday."
I smiled at him and closed the book , "Let's watch House party!" I said excited.
House party was my all time favorite movie.
Zulia texted me as Charles set up the fire stick.
"My mom and I are going to Florida with her new boyfriend..he is taking us to a beach house in Miami."
Lucky her.
That sounded so fun.
"Wow, how long ? Your going to miss school ?"
"Yes, 2 weeks...have fun doing tests."She texted .
I rolled my eyes.
I was a little jealous.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now