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"What Ava? !" I bagged up and stared at her, "You need to abort it ! Soon! " I panicked.
Ava sat down and put her head in her hands.
"I know ! They don't know that I'm pregnant but if they find out they might kill me."
I started pacing the floor, "You can't go back!" I screamed at her.
"I have too ! They will kill us!" She yelled.
She went in her pocket and pulled out a iPhone.
"Here." I looked down to see my phone.
I snatched it from her, "You stole it ?"
She shook her head, "No! Ava's dad did."
I sighed and turned my phone on, "What was they going to do with it?"
She shrugged, "I don't know, I guess sell it, use it."
"What they do with my money ?" I asked with a attitude.
"More then likely stashed it with the rest of the money."
I sat down on the couch next to her, "How long was she locked up?" I asked.
"Like, a hour or 2. Her dad went and got her out. She had a bond, because you didn't press charges."
"I should have." I snapped.
My door bell rang.
"That's more then likely my boyfriend." I opened the door. It was Alex.
I hugged him then gave him kiss, "Where is lil man?" He asked them looked up at Ava.
They both looked at each other.
"Ummm, baby this is..." Alex cut me off, "Roses." He said, "From ANTS."
I nodded, "Yeah, I forgot you was a regular and Ava was your favorite." I said jealous.
Ava cleared her throat, "I should go." She said rushing to the door.
"No! You can't go back there Ava. Please use your head."
I went back to the kitchen to work on homework.
Ava was laying on the couch.
Alex walked behind me and kissed my neck, "Your beautiful." I blushed.
He then walked off and sat down next to Ava.
I looked back and saw him Handing her something.
"What was that ?" I asked confused.
"Nothing!" Ava said quickly.
Alex got up and stretched.
I hurried over to them, "What he give you Ava?!" I grabbed both her hands and a bag of white fell out her palm.
The room was silent, you could hear a pen drop.
"Is that Cocane?" I asked speechless.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon