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I jumped in my Toyota Land Cruiser and did my makeup in the car.
I didn't want to talk to my mother at the moment. Her and my dad were married for 10 years before he died in that plane crash, how could she ??
Then she wanted the guy to live with us ? How selfish ?!
I couldn't think straight as I drove to school, my mind was all over the place.
I parked my car in the school's parking lot and Zulia came running up to me, "Hey bitch!" She said giving me a hug.
"Girl your booty look good in that dress!" She said smacking my ass.
I wasn't in the mood to play.
I ignored her and started walking into the building.
"Well, I see a hoe woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" She shot at me flipping her long red braids to the back of her head.
"I'm just upset ok."
I told her as I made it to my locker.
We shared a locker so it was hard for me to get away from her.
"What's wrong , I'm your can talk to me right ?" She asked fixing her big double D breast in our locker mirror.
"It's my momma..she has..a boyfriend."
I said softly and embarrassed.
Zulia was putting lip gloss on , then stopped and looked at me, "Ummm, ok ..what I miss ? My mom is on her 4th boyfriend this year." She said with a laugh.
" dad." I said pulling my books out my locker for first period.
"What about your dad ?" Zulia asked pulling out some notebooks, "Not to be mean Storm..but..your dad is gone's time for your mom to move on, she's not getting any younger."
Zulia stared in my eyes, then walked off to class switching her flat ass butt.
I rolled my eyes, and headed the opposite way to my English class.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum