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As we got high, we were talking about our parents.
She was telling me about how her mom hasn't had a job in 2 years, and she just been running a store out her home for a year now.
How her dad never calls to see how she is doing or gives her money. And what makes it more sad, he stay only 10 minutes away from her, with his new family.
Her stories are always sad to me and makes me sensitive.
I would really hate that kind of life.
Even though my dad is dead, he has no choice but to not talk to me.
When my dad was here, he took such good care of me.
And my mom always worked.
Doesn't drink or smoke.
Zuila's mom drink and smoke like she's 21 years old.
When I used to visit a lot, I would see a new man at her house everytime.
"That's why I say cut your mom some slack, she's a good women who deserves a good man." Zulia explained holding smoke in her lounges.
I hate to say it, but she's actually kinda right.
My mom isn't out here hoeing , embarrassing me.
I needed to respect how she feels.
I was thinking I could give Charles a chance.
"But, speaking of my dad, his wife just had a new baby, so now that makes 2 little brothers I never met." She explained passing me the blunt.
DAMN! Her first brother is 6, and she still hasn't met him. She hasn't seen her dad in 7 years.
She just see pictures on Facebook.
I never met her dad, I wondered what he was like.

I dropped Zulia off at home, then went back home to eat my pizza.
I was so high, I ate the whole thing.
It was just a small cheese.

I was doing a little studying when I heard the front door open and close down stairs.
I ran down to greet my mom .
I hugged her so tight .
"Oh , hey to you too." She said hugging me back placing her Louie bag on the near by coffee table .
"Mom, I want to meet Charles." I said hugging her tighter.
My mom smiled , "Foreal ?"
I nodded, "Foreal."
"What you do with my daughter ?" She asked laughing.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now