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The hospital finally released me.
I stopped on the ICU children's floor to hold and kiss Zeek before I lefted.
I was really going to miss him.
The doctor said he had to stay for another week or so.
My car was still at my doctor's office so I had to take a uber there to get it.

I still HAVNT talked to my momma.
I felt bad how I talked to her but I was so upset.
My emotions were all over the place.
I wanted to be happy that she was getting married but how could I ?
I know all this was my fault , but still.

I was so happy I wasn't pregnant no more.
I felt free and back on track.
My birthday was in a few days and school was also starting soon.
I still had 200 dollars from my child support so I decided to buy a twin size bed from a cheap furniture store right by my apartment.
The mattress was $100 and the bedsit was 50 dollars.
It was on sale.
I had money left over for some bed sheets and pillows.
That took the rest of my money.
The movers even moved it in for me for free.
"Thanks you guys." I told the two Mexican men as they left my house from putting my bed up in my room.

I wrote Franky and told her I was out the hospital and I was going to come to the funeral.
She said she couldn't wait to meet me.
I couldn't wait to see her too.
I wanted to get Greg's obituary from her.
Clearly Brittney didn't need it anymore.
I wanted both their obituaries to remember them.

The funeral came and it was only about 10 people there. I realized she wasn't really a popular person or had that many friends.
I slowly walked to her casket with my tight fitted black dress on.
I was so scared to see her.
I was shaking.
She looked beautiful.
She had on a red dress and her nails were painted red.
Her hair was in a slick bun.
I Shedded a tear while I stared at her.
I put my hand on her hand.
It was hard and cold.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now