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I texted my momma and told her thank you.
She tried to call me soon as I sent that.
I ignored her.

my belly was growing and I was almost 6 months.
I didn't need no drama around me.
I was focusing on my baby and finding me a job.
Since I didn't have no friends or no family, I decided to buy all my baby things out of pocket.
My appointment came up for my 6 month check up.
I could finally figure out what I was having.
A boy or girl.
I sat in the waiting area in the doctors office watching the big screen TV on the wall.
The news was on and my phone was dead.
So I had no choice but to watch it.
Out of nowhere, Chuck's face showed up on the tv screen.
I asked the lady at the front desk if she could turn it up a little for me.
"35 year old Chucky smith was found the man who killed the 17 year old on Douglas ave , 2 months ago."
Greg's picture showed up on the screen.
My mouth dropped.
My eyes watered.
I was so confused.
"He is loosing his police badge because he was also identified as the man who gave 12 women HIV knowing he had the disease. They also said that Chucky killed the 17 year old because he was j walking when he told him to come here and he didn't listen to him."
It felt like a elephant stepped on my heart.
I couldn't breath.
I got up and stumbled to the water fountain to get some water.
I then started to get queasy.
He lied about his age.
He really was 35.
Then, he had HIV.
I was thinking to myself like, what if I decided to have had sex with him.
The only reason I didn't is because we didn't have a condom.
He was trying to have sex with me unprotected.
Then, he's the one who killed Greg.
It was way to much I have learned in so little time.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon