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Landen hung the phone up, "Look, I'll get it out for you baby girl, no sweat."
I looked at him and shook my head , "Just take me home to my baby! I don't need no hand outs." I wiped my face.
"I said I got you." He said frustrated.
I folded my arms, "You know I'm only 17 right."
He laughed, "Aye girl, ain't nobody tryna hit on you so calm down."
I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, "That's all a nigga want, especially at your age." I scoffed at him.
"What do I want ?" He asked pulling up infront of the towing place.
"Sex! Just like my son's dad. He's about your age." I stared in his eyes.
"That's a nasty nigga." He said.
I was embarrassed.
"I mean he could of fucked you , but get you pregnant? Hell nah."
He got out the car, "Come on."
I was confused on that statement he said.
It didn't make any sense to me.

Landen got my car out.
But it was still dead, I couldn't start it.
"Shit!" I yelled out.
"Let me try to jump it for you." Landen said going to his car trunk to get his jumping cables out.
It started right up.
"Oh thank god!" I said.
"Your good, for now. You need a new battery, because the cold weather fucked your shit up."
I nodded, "Soon as I get some money, I will get that done." I said with exhaustion in my voice.
"Aye shorty, I own a restaurant downtown, I need a extra waitress." He said bending down into my window.
"Ok, and I need a job." I put my hand out for him to shake it.
He shook my hand, "I'll call Miss.Fanny to let you know when to start."
I pulled off so happy.
Even though everything else was up in flames, my car was back and popping and I got a job opportunity.
I had to ask Fanny if she could watch Zeek while I worked after school.
Fanny was very understanding, I knew she would help me out.
I ended up going to the library to write Alex a message on Facebook.
I told him to meet me infront of my Building in 30 minutes.
I rushed to my house, got in the shower, put on some fresh clothes, then sat infront of my apartment.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें