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"So Zulia, what school are you attending after high school?"
Charles asked her as we sat down and ate.
"Um...ugh ..I'm not really planning on attending school after I's not my thing." She said sounding ashamed.
My mom shook her head then continued eatting.
It was very awkward so I cleared my throat and changed the subject, "So, when will I be able to meet your daughter Ava?" I asked Charles.
"Actually, this summer ..she's coming to visit me." Charles said proud.
My mom's cell phone started to ring.
"Oh, this is my boss..I gotta take this."
She got up from the table and ran upstairs.
Zulia texted my phone even though she was sitting right next to me.
I rolled my eyes at the text and continued eatting.
Zulia giggled.
"What's funny in them phones ?" Charles asked us as he finished his last bite on his plate.
"Nothing!" Zulia and I said at the same time.
Charles took our plates and started washing the dishes.
My mom came storming down the stairs , "The boss needs me..." she kissed my forehead then kissed Charles lips, "See you Zulia.." She waved at her, then grabbed her Louie bag off the coffee table by the door , "Ill be home in a few hours."
"Damn that lady moves fast." Charles joked.
"Imma head to bed, I have work in the morning." He added, then headed up the upstairs.

I drove Zulia home listening to Tink on our way there.
"Girl, I know your momma is having fun hitting that!" Zulia joked.
"Whatever." I laughed.
"If your mom wasn't dating him, I would of tried to suck his dick."
I cracked up, "Girl, you is nasty!"
Once we pulled up to her apartment,she reached into her jean pocket, "Oh, I forgot!"
She handed me a keychain shaped into Florida with a picture of me and her a couple years ago at school.
"It's a souvenir..I forgot to give it to you."
It was so cute and glittery.
"Thank you ! I love it! Imma put it on my keys now."
Zulia smiled, then hopped out the car.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now