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The ride to my apartment was so awkward.
Landen was driving so angry and crazy.
"What's wrong baby ?" Fanny asked Landen.
"Slow down Landen, Fanny was already in a bad accident!" I snapped.
He ignored us. He just kept driving.
"So, Storm, didn't you have school today?" Fanny asked.
I could tell she was trying to calm her nerves.
"We thought we was going to make it back in time for me to to get to class but, that pit stop to help Charles and Ava kinda sat us back a little." I told her taking a deep breath.
"Oh ok, well when we get home, I want you guys to explain everything that happened that night. I'm so proud of you guys." She smiled.
"I can't come over Fanny, I have some Business to take care of."
The car was silent the rest of the way.

Landen helped Fanny into the house while I went in my house to settle down.
I put Zeek in his crib and took off my clothes to put some fresh ones on.
I noticed it was a note on my door.
A one month notice.
I had a month left and they were kicking me out.
I let out a deep sigh.
"Don't worry about it." Landen told me walking out of Fanny's apartment.
I looked at him and smiled, "Are you giving me my job back ?" I asked.
"Yeah, but first I have to go see how my restaurant is running because if Candy isn't there, I'm going to kill her!" He walked towards the exit, "Dont worry about it though Storm, you won't get kicked out. You got people around you who supports you, like me and Fanny,Even Charles. I'm sure he would help out."He reinsured.
I smiled, "Your right."
I locked my house door, then walked across to Fanny's house to tell her the story about that crazy night.

The next morning, Charles called me and told me he was released from the hospital. He was telling me about how he was getting messages on Facebook about Interviews on tv.
My life has been so crazy lately, that Facebook was the last place that I have been.
I finally looked on my Facebook, and realized I was getting the same messages. I had a bunch of messages from kids from school too.
"Are you going to do it ?" I asked.
"I don't know, are you?"
"No." I said plainly, "But can you come watch your son? I gotta go to school."
"Yeah, I'm on my way."He said.
I didn't like all the attention the press was giving me.
I just wanted a normal life.

I opened my door to Charles down on one knee with  a ring in his hand.
I looked at him crazy, "What are you doing?"
"I love you Storm! You will be 18 soon and I could finally be with you foreal."
I stepped back.
"When you saved me, I realized that you are really for me! Would you marry me?"
"If it wasn't for Landen, I would of never saved you." I told him.
I shook my head, then handed Zeek to him, "Get up Charles."
He slowly stood up then put the ring in his pocket.
I walked past him, "I just want to go to school, and become a doctor.. My original plan I always had."I opened the exit door, "You can stay here and watch Zeek, it's food in the fridge."
He looked so sad as he held Zeek standing in my door way.
I walked off to my car smiling.


My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now