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I went back in the room with Chuck.
He was laying butt-naked on the air mattress.
I laughed, "You ready huh ?"
He put his dick in his hand, "I just want to please my baby momma." He said in the whitest voice ever.
I playfully rolled my eyes and sat on top of him.
"You got a condom ?" I asked.
He smacked his teeth , "Why ? Your already pregnant."
I jumped up off him, " Boy, I'm not fucking you raw ! I barley know you."
He sighed, "I'm not burning." He said with a little attitude.
"I don't know that Chuck..please..just go get one."
He got up and started putting his clothes on, "'s cool..I'm just going to start heading back to work."
I shrugged, "Fine."
He walked out without saying anything.
I laid across my air mattress, "Shit..I just needed the bed anyways." I said to myself.
I was a little salty.
I was horny.
I went on Facebook to lurk on people pages.
I went on Zulia's page and saw some pictures of her and Maya at her baby shower.
Her baby shower looked nice.
It was a pink, and gold theme.
She was having a girl.
She was naming her Lilly.
Damn, she wasn't having her boy.
I didn't see Hundo there.
I wondered if they were still good.
I really wanted to talk to her.
I missed her so much.
I then went to Greg's page.
I was blocked.
I'm sure Brittney blocked me.
So I went to Brittney's page, and she had Greg's picture for her back ground photo.
I strolled down her page and I seen a lot of different people saying sorry for your lost.
I strolled some more, and I seen a date and a time for a funeral.
I digged some more and notice a picture she posted of Greg a couple days before.
The caption read, "REST IN PEACE BABY ! I'm going to miss you!"
WHAT? This can't be?
What happen ???
I instantly started crying.
I just couldn't believe what I was reading.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora