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I woke up next to Charles and Zeek in the bed.
Charles was up looking at the ceiling.
"Good morning." I said kissing his cheek.
"Good morning. Ava wasn't in her room this morning when I went to go check on her."
I looked at him with concern, "What? Well, maybe she is with Angel."
"I tried to call her several of times, she didn't answer." Charles added.
I picked up my phone off the dresser and noticed several missed calls.
"She called me 8 times around 3:30 this morning."
I said then went in my text messages.
"I moved out." Ava said in a text.
"My dad doesn't need me anymore since he will be going to jail because of you soon." She added in a separate text.
I showed Charles.
He took a deep breath.
"Look, I'll be here to change your bags until you turn yourself in." I said getting up and grabbing my keys.
"I'll talk to Ava at school." I said walking towards the door.
"I'm turning myself in today." He said was a sigh.
I stopped at the door and looked back at him, "What ? Why? No please! Give it another week. I still have to find a baby sitter while I go to school."
He shook his head , "I'm sorry.I need  to get this over with."
My eyes watered then I ran over to him and gave him a tight hug.
"I love you." I said in his ear.
He slightly pushed me away, "have a good day at school."
I stared at him for a minute, then headed to my house to get clothes.
I pulled up infront of my building and saw Hundo sitting on the porch.
"The fuck!?" I said to myself.
I jumped out and ran up to him, "Hundo! This is not the best time to be fucking with me!" I yelled.
"Look, I need somewhere to stay ! I'll pay you ! I can do whatever you want! I got money." He pulled out a thick brick of cash.
I stared at it.
I needed this money. Bad.
Expecially since I was going to have nobody soon.
I needed help with Zeek.
I was cutting my welfare off soon so they wouldn't charge Charles.
I couldn't get a job.
I needed Hundo.
"Ok.." I said calmly.
"You can stay.." I told him.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now