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He came in my room and sat next to me on the floor beside my bed.
"Look, sweetheart.."
I cut him off, "I'm not your sweetheart, my daddy called me that."
I snapped standing up and sitting on my bed.
His muscles were making me uncomfortable.
"Ok , Storm...look, I'm not trying to take the spot of your dad..I know he will always be apart of you and your mother's life. I'm just here to make your mother happy here on earth." He explained staring me in my eyes.
I felt this warm feeling with him that made me give in.
"I'm's just....."
He cut me off , "No, I get it..just know I'm here to be your friend not your step dad."
I nodded and smiled at him , "I'm sorry." I said again wiping the tears from my face.
He stood up, smiled, then walked out.
For some reason , my pussy got so wet as he talked to me.
He was making me ...horny.
Very weird.
I guess that's why my mom liked him so much.

Its been a couple months since Charles moved in with us.
It's been good so far.
He gives me money when I need it, he helps out around the house with bills and cleaning.
He is a really fun person.
I can't wait to meet his daughter , she's the same age as me . She stays in Chicago.

"I'm so happy your getting along with your mom's new man." Zulia said stuffing a burger in her mouth at lunch at school.
I smiled , "Yea, me too..he is really cool."
I blushed wiping down my apple to eat it.
"Are you...blushing ???" Zulia asked smirking.
I blushed even harder , "No, shut up Zulia!" I threw a balled up napkin at her.
We both cracked up.
Greg came up to our table , "Hey Zulia ...sup Storm."
I rolled my eyes .
"What now Greg ?" Zulia asked him with her hand on her hip.
"Well, the Home Coming  dance is coming up and I was wondering..."
I cut him off, "No Greg."
Zulia burst out laughing in his face.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now