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He bonded with Zeek on Fanny's couch, I watched them from the kitchen.
I was eatting lemon and ginger baked chicken and cauliflower rice.
"Would you like some food ?" Fanny offered Charles.
"No, that's daughter's friend's dad got me some food when I got out of jail earlier."
Fanny smiled, then sat down across from me at the table, "How old is he ?" She asked concerned.
"37." I said then sipped my lemon tea.
She shook her head.
"I didn't tell you everything." I told her with a deep sigh.
The door bell rang.
"I can answer it for you." Charles said standing up.
Fanny gave him another smile as he opened the door.
It was Landen.
"Hey, ugh, Miss.Fanny?" He said walking in with Mail and some groceries.
"I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled out to him.
He bit his lips as he looked at me, then placed the Mail and groceries on the counter, "Just bringing what you asked me to bring Miss.Fanny." He told her.
He was still looking at me.
I blushed.
"Thank you Landen, your such a great son." She hugged him and tried to give him some money.
"I don't need that Fanny, it's all love."
She smiled and patted his back, "Call me when you get home, and tell Candy I said hey."
" will do..Storm, I didn't know you would be here."
He said.
"Well, I didn't know you were off work early too."
He laughed, "I'm not, Candy is running the restaurant right now. I came out to get things for Fanny."
I heard Charles clear his throat from the living room, "I know my ride is getting Impatient, so I better go."
He said handed Zeek to me.
"Charles, this is Landen." I introduced them.
"Nice to meet you." Charles said with a slight attitude.
"This is my boss." I told Charles fidgeting with my fingers.
"Yeah." He said to Charles catching on to the tension in the room.
"Well, I got to go." He hurried out.
"Is that Zeek's dad?" He asked.
I sighed, "Unfortunately."
Landen shook his head, "Look, I'll catch you later. I'm going back up to the restaurant."
Fanny waved at him as he left.

I went to my dad's grave sight after school.
I had a hour before work.
I rubbed his tombstone and smiled so hard.
I sat down and rubbed it some more.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now