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Brittney still didn't wake up and it was making me so scared.
I decided to finally call 911.
The ambulance came and examined her in my living room.
Then they put her on the stretcher.
"Her heart rate is very low, we are trying to save her as much as we can."
I was so scared, "what do you mean ? Why is her heart rate low ?"
"We are trying to figure it out!" The doctor said.
I walked behind them as the took her to the ambulance.
I watched them pull off.
I was crying the whole time.
I was so nervous for her.
I felt for her.
I got a text.
It was Zulia.
"I'll be back tomorrow to get the rest of my things."
I rolled my eyes and walked back in the house.
It was so much going on.
So much Stress.
I wasn't feeling good at all.
I couldn't believe Zulia and I fell out again.
It's like we wasn't ment to be friends.
I missed Lilly .
I kept thinking about her like , was Zulia paying attention to her, making sure she dont fall off the bed or something.
I went in the house and sat on my couch.
I cried.
I cried some more.
My nose started running.
My stomach was cramping.
I needed some rest, some rest from everything that was going on around me.
I felt like I was other people's back bone for so long that, I stop worrying about my own life.
I had nobody to call on. Nobody to hear what I feel.
I knew I was way to young to be this stressed out.
I called Brittney's phone to see if she would answer.
I needed to know if she was ok.
No answer.
I told myself I was going to give it some time.
I took a nap, and my nap turned into a whole sleep.
I woke up in the morning and I had no calls.
No texts.
I tried to call Brittney again and her phone went to voicemail.
So I got in my car, and headed to the hospital to see if she was ok.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now