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When I got home, the house was quite and dark.
I went up to my room and turned some music on, on my Alexa radio.
"Alexa, play Gherbo."
I bobbed my head to the music while looking through a magazine.
I was so bored , and couldn't sleep.
I turned my music up super loud and started dancing around the room.
I was so into the music, that I didn't realize that Charles walked in.
"Aye!! Storm!!! Aye!"
He yelled at me over the music.
I turned back and looked at him, "Alexa , turn off!" I told my speaker , then sat on the bed out of breath.
"Yes?" I asked Charles.
"Sorry I Interrupted your dancing but, that music is way to loud...I'm trying to sleep." He said in a playful way.
I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.
"Oh, I'm sorry...I just got in my mood..I'm bored."
He laughed, "Do you want me to sit and teach you medical until you fall to sleep ? I told you I was a professor a couple years ago."
I smiled, "Yeah, come in."
He came in and sat next to me in the bed.
We were up for almost two hours going over the medical program and all I needed to know about being a doctor.
It was very interesting.
I wrote all the information down in my notes.
I said I wasn't going to study on spring break but , his lesson was very worth it.
"I guess that's enough for tonight." He said then stood up from my bed.
"Do you think I'm pretty ?" I asked him out the blue.
I don't know what came over me.
He looked shocked, then cleared his throat, "Um..of course...your.."
I cut him off, "No like...pretty !? Like somebody you would talk to if you wasn't with my mom."
He looked at me so confused.
"Like, do you like my face and body?"
He sighed then shook his head, "This topic is very inappropriate Storm."
He said very dry then started walking towards my door.
"When you saw me out my towel...what did you think ?" I asked him in a sexy voice.
He stopped for a second without turning to look at me, then finally walked out the door.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now