You: How's that prototype we've been working on coming along?

Louis: Come here, let me show you something.

You walk over to where Louis is sitting and he switches tabs on his browser. He begins to show a blueprint diagram of some tech.

Louis: The impact web seems to look good. I just gotta look over some things and we should be golden.

You: Nice. Thanks, man.

By combining your smarts and Louis's Oscorp resources, the both of you work together to create new tech to help you as Spider-Man.

Although you have organic webbing, you still developed web shooters to add additional forms of webbing. The impact web was the first thing you thought of.

Louis: Glad to help.

You've asked him before how'd he feel helping in other ways, like saving the city as the Goblin. Even though Louis recalls how he redeemed himself fighting Sandman and Venom alongside you, he wanted to leave that behind. He didn't want to take the Goblin serum again. You respected that decision.

No crime-fighting duo, sadly.

As the two of you conversed, you hear a door from the second floor open. Louis quickly closes his laptop as you look up at the railing. It's Alicia.

She's in robe and must've come out of the shower

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She's in robe and must've come out of the shower.

Alicia: Y/N! Sorry, I didn't know you were home.

You: It's fine. Louis didn't tell me he had somebody over.

You look at Louis.

Louis: Uh...sorry about that.

Alicia nervously chuckles then goes back into the room.

You shake your head and let out a chuckle.

Louis: I'll send you the blueprints when I'm done.

• •

{The Next Evening}

You perch onto the side of a building in Midtown Manhattan. You are in your spider suit and holding a camera. You snap a photo of the skyline.

You: Few people know the sheer beauty of Manhattan on a calm spring night.

You take another photo and moments later your phone rings. It's a call from your aunt. You answer it and talk through the earpiece installed within your mask.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now