Tears rolled down the werewolf's cheeks, as she snapped at Damon, "How could you!? I just got my father back!!" She hissed. "I'm sorry. I had to." Damon replied casually. "The thing is- you didn't! You could have easily got that stupid rock without killing him!" Lexa snapped, before Damon began to light on fire.

"Lexa-" Damon blurted, flailing his arms. "Lexa- Stop!" Natasha hissed, walking over to the pair. The flames extinguished, as Lexa turned to Natasha. "You're kidding.." She blurted, seeing blood stains on her clothes, from when Damon ripped Mason's heart out of his chest. "You could have stopped this!" Sienna yelled at Natasha, noticing this too.

"If Damon didn't kill him, Katherine would have!" Natasha insisted as Lexa just shook her head in disgust. "We could have protected him- I could have protected him." Sienna spat.

The werewolf let go of Lexa's hand and walked forward, shoving Natasha out of her way before she reached Damon. She slapped him, as hard as she could, leaving a red mark on his cheek for moments, before it disappeared.

Damon winced in pain, as that was the hardest he had definitely ever been slapped, before he locked eyes with the Lockwood, seeing them flash yellow.

Sienna spun around and stormed out, but not before she muttered to Stefan. "Keep your fucking brother away from me, or I swear to god I will kill him!" She threatened, before she was gone.

Lexa's eyes averted over to Damon's, who was looking at her, almost hoping she wouldn't hate him.. they were finally friends. As if Lexa could read his mind, she scoffed. Using the last of the magic she had siphoned from Sienna, she used her telekinesis to throw Damon into a wall.

Damon grunted, looking back up at the girl. "I was wrong to be your friend. I will never make that mistake again." She hissed, venomously, before she turned around and stormed out.

Natasha waltzed over to Damon, offering him a hand. He took it and stood up. "Where's Mason's phone." He demanded as Stefan handed it to him.

"I need to text Carol on behalf of Mason." The Salvatore said, tapping away on the screen, before reading aloud the message. "Carol, big opportunity in Florida, I'm gonna be gone for a long time. Will send for my things once I get settled. Much love, Mason"

Stefan sighed, looking over at Mason's body. "Let's get rid of the body." He suggested, as Natasha nodded. She snapped her fingers, the rolled up corpse and the rug it was wrapped in, suddenly floating.

"Oh, last number dialed. I wonder who that could possibly be?" Damon decided, before he pushed redial. Knowing instantly who it would be, Stefan reached out to stop Damon. "No, no, no! Don't provoke her!"

"Mason, you should have been here an hour ago." Katherine's voice hissed through the phone. Stefan continued to try to get Damon off the phone, but Damon pushed him back. Stefan slapped his hand and walked away in frustration. Natasha just faced Damon, interested to see what he was going to say to his former lover.

"Wrong boy toy." Damon said, as Katherine's disappointed voice could be heard, "Damon. For once you've surprised me. I assume Mason is with you?"

"He's right beside me! Although, his heart's across the room." Damon admitted. "You shouldn't have." Katherine replied.

Damon shrugged, "I've had a very busy day today. I killed a werewolf, found a moonstone. Hey, did you know that he hid the moonstone in the bottom of a well full of vervain? I guess he didn't trust you very much. Although, he did love you. Poor guy. Hey, where are you? Because, you know, I could bring him over. Last goodbyes and all that." He said.

Katherine could be heard laughing, "You have no idea what you've just done." She admitted. "Aww, did I put a kink in your master plan? I'm so sorry."

Natasha bit her lip, sharing an awkward glance with Stefan, as she could see where this was going. "Do you honestly believe that I don't have a plan B? And if that fails, a plan C, then a plan D, and...you know how the alphabet works, don't you? Send my love to Stefan."

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Sienna sobbed heavily, inconsolable as Alexia held her. "Babe.. I'm so, so sorry.." Lexa said, her voice filled with guilt as she held her girlfriend. "I hate him, Lexa. I hate him so fucking much." Sienna managed to say. Lexa nodded, "I understand.. and I do too." The Gilbert wasn't a killer, but she couldn't lie the thought of killing Damon was definitely on her mind.

Suddenly, a scream was heard from downstairs, belonging to Elena. "Jenna, no!"

The girlfriends got to their feet and ran down the stairs, finding Jenna on the floor, as she had just stabbed herself in the stomach. "Jenna! Jenna!" Alaric yelled out to her, as he and Elena both rushed to her side.

"Oh my god- Jenna!" Lexa blurted as Elena quickly to her twin. "Lexa! Call an ambulance!"

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Leaving Alaric, Sienna and Elena in the hospital room with Jenna, Lexa walked out into the waiting room. Jeremy got up and walked towards her. "Is she okay?" The boy asked. Lexa answered, "The doctors told Alaric that she got lucky. She's gonna make it. She's gonna be okay."

Allira, who had been by Jeremy's side the entire time, got to her feet and stood beside Jeremy. Seeing the stressed look on his face, she reached out and gently grabbed his hand with her own, as the Gilbert intertwined their fingers.

"Does she remember what happened?" Jeremy asked. Alexia shook her head, "No, nothing. It's all a part of Katherine's mind compulsion..." She admitted, as Elena had told her that Katherine had called the house moments prior. "This Katherine sounds like a real bitch." Allira stated, not knowing who she was, but having heard brief mentions of her from Jeremy.

"Why would Katherine hurt Jenna?" Jeremy blurted as Lexa shrugged, "Because she's trying to send a message. That she could get to anybody." She blurted, feeling overwhelmed by the days events. The siphoner turned around, and tried to hide that she was crying.

"Hey, hey, hey, come here." Jeremy said, as he let go of Allira's hand and walked over to embrace his sister. "It's gonna be okay." He said as Lexa shook her head, "No, it's not. My girlfriend just lost her father and we all nearly lost the closest thing we have to a parent. None of this is okay." She cried quietly, as Jeremy continued to hug her.

"Wait... Mason is really gone?" Allira blurted, as Lexa nodded sadly. "He left town." Jeremy quickly said, not wanting his best friend to know the truth. "He didn't even say goodbye..." The Lockwood scoffed, before her thoughts drifted to Sienna. She hoped she was okay.

"She's gonna pay, Lexa. I don't know how but she's gonna pay." Jeremy said as Lexa nodded sadly, "Damon is going to pay too.. I'm going to fucking make sure of it."

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