058. kill or be killed

Start from the beginning

Tyler walked up the stairs and tried to take the moonstone from Sarah's hands. He took it, but reaching out she tripped and felldown the stairs, hitting her head on the floor. She lied there motionless.

Sienna, who was walking past the stairs, had just watched. Her eyes widened in panicking, thinking she might be dead, but the girl laughed, making it clear she had pranked them, before getting up. Sienna sighed in relief, as Tyler hadn't broken his curse. Tyler noticed Sienna watching, with worry written all over her face, and figured to ask her about it later.

"You pushed me down the stairs!" Sarah huffed at Tyler. "Well you keep stealing his stuff and running around the house." Allira argued, seeming to have beef with Sarah. Jeremy looked to Sarah, "Look, he didn't mean it okay?" He said before looking to Aimee. "You got her?" He asked. Aimee nodded, helping Sarah up. 

Allira just rolled her eyes at Sarah, before she walked towards Jeremy. The Gilbert gave her a confused look, wondering why the Lockwood had this dislike towards Sarah, as she didn't really act hostile towards anyone.

Meanwhile, Sienna continued to walk away.

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There was a knock on the door, Lexa raced over to answer it. "Hey, sorry that took forever. I just didn't know how long my Mum was gonna be here." Caroline said, wheeling a suitcase along with her. Lexa gave her best friend a sympathetic smile, "Damon says it'll take three days tops for the vervain to leave her system. Maybe even sooner." She insisted.

Stefan and Elena walked over to the pair. Caroline turned to Stefan, "Hey! You get some bunny in you?" She asked. Stefan chuckled, before saying "Yeah, I'm feeling much better, thank you."

After a few moments, Lexa and Caroline walked down to the cellar, Caroline stopping to overhear the conversation. "Thank you. It's not exactly the Ritz, but it's secure. Brought you a good thread count. And once the vervain's worked its way out of your system, I will compel you, you will forget everything and you will be a free woman." Damon said, as Liz handed her phone to the Salvatore.

"Can you keep Caroline far away from me please? I don't wanna see her." Liz said, as Caroline frowned. Lexa reached out to put an arm around Caroline, but the blonde moved away. "She's your daughter, Liz." Damon insisted. Liz shook her head, "Not anymore. My daughter's gone." Damon responded, "You have no idea how wrong you are about that."

Caroline's eyes filled with tears, before she turned around and went back upstairs. Quickly, Lexa followed her. The girls walked upstairs to hear Elena and Stefan fighting elsewhere in the house. Ignoring them, they sat on the couch.

"Care... Can I take you home?" Lexa asked, holding Caroline in her arms. The vampire shook her head, "I can't go home." Lexa asked, "Why not?" Caroline replied shakily, "Because I'm scared."

The Gilbert's face fell, "Why are you scared? Care, you can talk to me." She said softly, as Caroline's eyes welled with tears again. "Katherine's gonna be there and she's gonna want me to tell her everything that happened today. She told me I had to spy on Elena and report back to her." Caroline confessed sadly.

"Hey, talk to Elena. She's been so mad at you. But then, if she tried to put herself in your position so that she could understand why you would do this to her... and to Stefan- because he's been such a friend to you." Lexa blurted before frowning. "Care, who did she threaten?"

Caroline frowned, "Lexa... she threatened you— and I'm so scared of her, Lexa! I am so scared of her." The Forbes cried out. Lexa felt her heart sink, realising that Caroline was doing all of this to protect her. She couldn't help but wonder if Katherine had rubbed it in Caroline's face that she could have killed the Gilbert.

"I'm scared too." Lexa admited, her arm around Caroline.  "Why is she doing this? What does she want?" The blonde asked, annoyance in her voice as Alexia sighed. "That's the million dollar question."

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Sienna was walking to the kitchen when she felt herself get shoved into the nearest wall. Frantically, she saw Tyler holding her down, his arm pushing against her neck. He motioned for her to be quiet, not wanting Carol or Mason to hear this conversation, but without another moment passing Sienna shoved Tyler, as he fell back into the wall behind him with a lot of force.

"Touché.." Tyler admitted as Sienna frowned, "What the fuck was that for!?" She hissed as Tyler motioned for her to be quiet again, and grabbed her arm, before leading her elsewhere.

Now in Richard's study, Tyler faced Sienna. "Cece, you have some explaining to do." He demanded.

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