"Jeon Jungkook and it's room B1306."

He immediately stops mid page flip, snapping his head up and repeats back, "B1306?"

"Yeah?" Why does he sound like he's never heard of that dorm? I'm in the right place aren't I?

I speak again with furrowed brows, "Are you not Chanyeol, the RA for Floor B? Am I in the wrong place?"

"Yeah that's me, Park Chanyeol. And I am the one that spoke with you earlier..." he pauses. Shifting his weight uncomfortably.

Okay, I was right about him sounding anxious on the phone. What's going on?

He takes a shaky breath in as if preparing to give a long speech before he's interrupted.

"Hyung?" Jimin voices from behind me.


Tae and I both turn towards him wide eyed to see him leaning to the side in order to see around me to where Chanyeol is stood.

Tae and I turn to each other and share a look that portrays the silent message of What the hell? Before we both turn to look at Chanyeol.

His face is completely lit up as he is smiling even wider than when he first opened the door, causing his dimples to be even deeper.

"Jimin-ssi?! Is that really you!" He exclaims as he steps out of the door frame, myself quickly stepping out of the way for his wide shoulders to pass by as he moves towards Jimin.

Chanyeol quickly envelopes Jimin in a tight hug, lifting him off the ground slightly, as they both continue to smile from ear to ear.

Guess they do know each other.

Taehyung's POV-

What the fuck is this?

Who is this man holding my Chim like they are acting out a scene from some romance novel? And why are they smiling like that?

"Chim?" I say, hoping I don't sound as annoyed as I feel.

When he finally opens his eyes and meets mine, in true soulmate fashion, I see the recognition flash in his as he understands exactly what I'm thinking.

He knows I'm jealous, wondering who this man is and why I've never heard a word about him when he is apparently important to him.

He pulls away a little as he looks from me to Jungkook and says cheerfully, "Guys, Chanyeol is my cousin! I haven't seen him in..." He moves his head to look back up at Chanyeol, "Five? Maybe six years?"

"Six!" Chanyeol says quickly. "Because you came and stayed with us that one summer when we lived in Eunpyeong and my family hasn't lived there for at least that long!"

"Holy shit, I think you're right. That's crazy! How are you? What have you been up to? How's your family? Do you still have Toben? How is he? Do you have a picture?"

I can see Chanyeol's eyes become so wide they might fall out of his skull while he nods his head slowly as Chim fires all his questions at him seemingly in one breath.

Sure I was annoyed a second ago, but the look on the poor guy's face right now makes me feel kinda like saving him from the unintentional curiosity attack from Chim.

I am about to speak up in attempt to end his suffering when Jungkookie starts instead.

"I-I apologize, I really don't mean to interrupt, but could I just get the key and sign the papers or whatever real quick so Tae and I can start taking stuff over? You two can stay here and catch up, I don't mind taking two trips." He finishes with a smile.

I move my eyes back to Chanyeol to see his expression turn into another nervous one but with a sympathetic element added to it as well.

"That's actually why I wanted you to make sure to stop by my dorm before heading to yours..." he paused before he started to tell us about the fire that happened and the students that had to be evacuated and rehoused.

"That is terrible! Was anyone hurt?" I gasp after he has finished the story.

"Thankfully nothing was too severe. Some had  issues caused by smoke inhalation, but the alarm in the room as well as in the hall went off almost immediately, the building was cleared quickly and the fire extinguished without any trouble." He answered, reflecting the gratitude in his words with a much softer expression.

"That is awful, and I can't imagine how stressful that has been for those students, but you said that was in the building across from us? What does that have to do with my room?" Jungkookie brings up, making a good point.

Chanyeol again hesitates before saying, "Because of the fire and students needing to be rehoused... Y-Your room is no longer available..." he says with his lips pressed together tightly in a line and squinted eyes. Obviously prepared for a negative reaction.

Completely horrified by what Chanyeol just said I snap my head back to Jungkookie. His jaw is clenched tightly and his eyes are closed. I can tell he is trying his best not to explode.

Suddenly without warning he breaks out into an eerily calm smile, chuckling lowly before starting to full on laugh. No humor or amusement coming through whatsoever.

He slides the strap of his bag off his shoulder so that his duffle bag drops to the floor as he bends forward, putting both hands on either knee as the laugh slowly changes into coughing and gasps for air.

A few moments later his eyes roll back in his head and he drops to the ground.

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