Love Preggo 49-Uncle Doggie

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Love By Chance Snippet


Uncle Doggie

Tangmo: GUCCI! 

Gucci: *Yawns and stretches* Oh, Fruit Baby One is here again *yawns* sleepy...Let me rest on my paws. 

Tangmo: Gucci, Gucci, Gucci! Help me na, please? Please?! 

Gucci: *Looks at Tangmo and flicks his tongue* Fruit Babye One smells of hotdogs, yum. 

Tangmo: Thank you Gucci! I know I can count on you buddy...You know what happened!? *Grabs Gucci's face and squeezes the fluffy face* I asked Heart out to the anime con in the city but he said he is busy because he needs to play chess with Gear! *Whines* CHESS! Over ANIME! 

Gucci: Let me growl a bit so he lets go of my face *growls* 

Tangmo: I KNOW! I mean, this is not even the worse part *squeezes harder*

Gucci: Ouch. Fruit Baby One isn't letting me go. I'll growl one more time *growls*

Tangmo: *Let's go of Gucci* I'll tell you the worse part. When cutie Heart asked Gear out for chess, you know what that nasty Gear said? That he is busy! Like WHO REJECTS Heart?! 

Gucci: Oh, I feel like a sneeze *wheezes dog sneeze* Nice. That's better. Hey,  I'm hungry. 

Tangmo: Exactly! Even you agree na Gucci! Heart the cutest ever. I mean you are cute too Gucci but Heart is just as cute...maybe cuter. How does anyone says no to him? That Gear is really really, REALLY weird. He doesn't show any emotions most the time and he is mean to Heart most the time too when all Heart did is just be nice to him. 

Gucci: I wonder what's for lunch. Fruit Baby One talks a lot, like big brother Can. Why?

Tangmo: He even forget to reply to Heart's texts. I mean, Heart only texts like 69 messages in an hour. Like you see? That's how horrible that Gear is. All he does is just ignore the cute Heart. I mean, who ignores Heart right Gucci?

Gucci: I want food. Let's see if Fruit Baby One will feed me. Oh boy, I think mama is cooking something yummy for lunch *sniffs*. 

Tangmo: Totally right! I mean, seriously, who can resist not being nice and want to pamper someone as cute as Heart? Like only a heartless person can do that!

Gucci: And I am thirsty now. Damn it, where is my water bowl *licks tongue*

Tangmo: What, are you telling me that I should tell Heart I like him?

Gucci: I think if I wag my tail, maybe Fruit Baby One will feed me faster *wags his tail, tongue out*. 

Tangmo: Oh my god, but wouldn't it be too forward? I mean, I don't want to scare Heart away. I want Heart to always be happy and smiley.

Gucci: *Continues wagging his tail, is paw on Tangmo's hand* Fruit Baby One, please give me food. I am an old dog and I need to eat on time please. 

Tangmo: Awww Gucci, you are the nicest uncle dog ever! Auntie Lemon said she doesn't think I will win Heart since Heart is totally into Gear but that's because she thinks as a BL author! I cannot leave my fate to a BL author's prediction right?

Gucci: Turns his head and and licks his lips again* Why is Fruit Baby One talking about sister Lemon? Sister Lemon is the awesomest sister ever! Let me signal Fruit Baby One for food, doggie biscuits would be nice *whines*.

Tangmo: Thank you na Gucci! For being the bestest ever advisor to me. You know what, you are right. I should totally tell Heart how I feel and start chasing after Heart for real. I wouldn't lose to that heartless Gear without a fight.

Gucci: *Flicks his tongue* Umm, Fruit Baby One, my food please? Oh, Fruit Baby Two is here, oh he smells like hotdog too! 

Peach: P'Tangmo, are you talking to Gucci?

Tangmo: Yes. He is giving me love advice.

Peach: Huh? Gucci can't talk.

Tangmo: You wouldn't understand. It's a Gucci Tangmo thing. Gucci gives amazing ideas.

Peach: Right. So did you feed him already, like mom ask you to?

Tangmo: I forgot. I'll go get the food.

Tangmo ruffles Gucci's thick coat and runs to the kitchen. Peach squats down and ruffles Gucci too.

Gucci: *Gives a friendly bark* Awww, thank you Fruit Baby Two for reminding Fruit Baby One to get my food. Can I get hot dogs please?

Peach: My turn Gucci. Can you please point out which lottery number will win next? The last one won a small prize and if I win the next one, I'll buy you yummy stuff. Only hotdogs today since I spent the winnings on new tickets.

Gucci: *Barks friendly and gives Peach his paw* BESTEST FRUIT BABY EVER! Hooray for hotdogs. Wait, why did Fruit Baby Two put down two pieces of numbers?! Let me play with one. Paws down on papers, YAY! 


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