Love 13-Halloween Costume (AePete)

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Love By Chance Snippet


Halloween Costume


"Ai Ae, what are you wearing to ChaAim's Halloween party this weekend?" Pond asked from his bed.

"Sports uniform. I'll just be a footballer," Ae answered while typing on his computer.

"Hey, isn't that too lazy even if it's for you?" Pond asked, sitting up on bed now. Ae looked up.

"Then what are you wearing then?"Ae asked with all seriousness.

"I'm wearing Lord of The Porn costume decorated with my porn CD collection and ChaAim's Lady Liberty and we-,"

"Stop, I don't want to know further. I don't intend to stay long anyway so it doesn't matter," Ae said, going back to his phone.

"Ass, that party will be the party of the year and you aren't staying. Anyway, what will Ai'Pete come as?" Pond asked.

"I don't know, I'm asking him right now, he said he will send to me...oh my god," Ae gasped. Pond went over and saw the picture and smirked.

"So what's he supposed to be?" Pond teased.

"A shrimp. But this...doesn't look like a shrimp, it looks like...," Ae doesn't know how to continue.

"The sluttier shrimp. I didn't know shrimp costume can be this sexy. Damn, if I don't have ChaAim or booby goddesses, I might be into Pete myself," Pond laughed.

"Shut the heck up. There's no way I'm letting Pete wear this revealing costume. I got to think of something," Ae said, started googling furiously.

"Dude, it's just a costume revealing his pearly legs and arms and maybe a little chest and navel. Lighten up dude," Pond said but Ae ignored his best friend.

"Fine whatever, if that's the case, might as well you cling wrap your little shrimp?" Pond said randomly. Ae looked up.

"That can work? I'll go get them," Ae said, took his keys and left the room.

"What the hell, they aren't even married and he's a possessive ass. Anyway, have to tell ChaAim the plan worked," Pond snickered to himself.

Halloween is going to be fun!


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