Love 26-Piss Your Love

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Love By Chance Snippet


Question: What is the fastest way to piss of your lover?

Ae: I don't think Pete gets pissed off at all, just upset. Pete can be a little delicate when I don't ask him for help for my school work. But seriously, how can I even bring myself to? If he tutors me, all I will think of is studying him, not my school work.

Pete: Mention any other guys' name in front of him. Drives him crazy. Please don't tell him but I secretly am very happy Ae is so possessive of me.

Tin: Calling him Cantaloupe but he is getting used to it nowadays so that doesn't work anymore but his ultimate no no is buying and giving him expensive stuff.He either thinks I'm showing off or trying to get favors from him. Gosh, I can't even pamper him properly. And paying more attention to Gucci, makes him jealous. 

Can: I don't know. Tin's usually very quiet. But wait, I think he got mad at me once when I didn't reply his goodnight message because I was busy playing games. I had to say sorry to him for 3 days straight.

Keng: I have never seen P'No angry ever, not even to Technique when he found out about our collaboration. Gosh, I love this man so bad.

Techno: Me going out with my juniors. Keng almost never say anything but I sort of get the hint when dudes around me starts rejecting my invites to go out.

Tum: Asking him about his past with Tharn. I knew something happened but Tar wouldn't tell me. This is frustrating when I start yelling at Tar for nothing.

Tar: Any mention of P'Tharn. That's why I couldn't tell him anything


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