Apologies. And...a preference :3

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Hi guys!!!

There are a few reasons I haven't updated!!! The most evil one, is my Wattpad app is spazzing out on me. -_- so basically I can't edit my works in progress, so I'm letting you know so you don't freak out on me xD

Another reason, I start school on Tuesday and I'm like running myself tired and just bleh! So all of you going to school, getting ready for school, or getting a GED, or even not going to school, I love you and I know you can do this. I know it's stressful. I know that your mental health is definitely not at it's best. So I'm sorry. I love you like a lot.

I CELEBRATED 1 MILLION READS!!!!! I had some cupcakes :3 and a hug. So that's cool!!! Thank you guys for your support and for all of your sweet messages. You're amazing. I'm so sorry for my rambling. I know you're like "OH MY GOD KENZIE SHUT UP!!!! WE JUST WANT TO READ ABOUT 5SOS DAMMIT!!!" I know. But you guys are the only ones that care!!! So I'm gonna tell you stuff!!!! Deal with it.

Wow. I'm such a loser xD xD

His  Favorite  Thing  About  You

AshtonYour heart. It is so big and is full of love. Especially for him. He noticed it the first moment he met you! :3

LukeYour eyes. He may have those lovely blue eyes, but he adores yours. He'll constantly be staring into them and complimenting you :3

CalumYour laugh. He's known for coming up with funny jokes, and you find every single one hilarious! So he'll be telling you jokes left and right just to hear you laugh.

MichaelYour hugs. He's such a cuddler and he's always up for a hug. He's a big teddy bear. The way your arms wrap around each other and hold each other tight, makes him melt.

(Another  small  preference  for  yaBecause  I  haven't  updated  in  a  whileI  will  tell  you  which  one  is  next!!!!


"My  heart  wants  to  come  home..."  -Ashton

"Teddy  bears?!?  No  way!!!"  -Luke

"Hey  heyHey  Y/NWhat  do you  call  bees  that  make  milk?....Boo-Bees.  *giggles*"  -Calum

"HugsI  do  like  hugsAnd  Calumyou're  such  an  idiot."  -Michael

"I'm  adorable."  -Calum

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