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Ashton: "Y/N come on in! The water feels fantastic!" Ashton yelled at you from the 5SOS house pool. "Hold your enchiladas! I'm comin!'" You screamed back, trying to take off your coverup. He giggled and flicked his hair out of his eyes. "Hey Y/N! Is Ashton still in the pool?" You turned to see Michael. "Yeah he's still showing off. Not very well I might add. You missed him try to do a backflip off the diving board. It ended up being a backwards belly flop." Michael snorted and nudged your shoulder. "Well I'm gonna show him how it's done!" You giggled and watched Michael run towards the pool. "BACKFLIP!" He screamed from the edge of the diving board. He jumped in the air and twisted his body inwards, nailing the flip. "Show off." Ashton muttered. You laughed and jumped into the pool. "Hi!" He greeted you. "Hey!" You said back. "Y/N!!!! I didn't know you were here!" You tilted your head upsidedown, looking at a distorted version of Calum. "Hi Cal!" He grinned at you and set his towel on one of the chairs. "Where's Ashton?" he questioned you. "He's right h-" You swear he was right behind you. "Uh...He's in Narnia?" You said completely confused. Calum just raised an eyebrow and checked his phone. "Michael do you know where Ash is?" He smirked and shook his head. Out of nowhere, you felt two strong arms pick you up from around the waist, and throw you into the clear water. Once you came back up for air, you glared at Ashton. "Is there a reason why I shouldn't punch you right now?" You threatened. He giggled. "What? Luke did it!" He said pointing to the door to the house where Luke was just coming out. "What did I do?" Poor Luke. Everyone blames you. "You ruined Y/N's life! Shame! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, and dishonor on your cow!" Ashton screamed at Luke. Michael and Calum burst into laughter looking at Luke's face. "I-I don't understand." You just had to laugh a little. "Luke you didn't do anything. Ashton's just being an ass." Ashton turned his head. "What about my ass?" You rolled your eyes. "Shut up dork." He gasped and acted all hurt. "Y/N. That was mean. I don't like you." You snorted and swam over to him, putting your arms around his neck. "But you are a dork. You can't escape it. It's like herpes, you spread it everywhere." Luke commented. You, Michael, and Calum died laughing. "Did you just compare my dorkiness to herpes?" Luke nodded and winked at you. "Ash it's Ok! Just think of it this way, you basically spread herpes through all of us! Wait....that's not better." Calum added. "Cal stop talking." you told him. He nodded and looked around awkwardly. "Ok. What these idiots mean, is that your dorkiness  is contagious. All of us are as dorky as you are. The good kind. Not the herpes kind." "Can we stop saying the word herpes? I'd be greatly appreciative." He asked. Michael cracked up again and let out an interesting high pitched noise. "What the fuck was that?" Calum giggled. You ignored the rest of the boys, even though it was really hard. "Ashton I love you and your dorkiness. I don't ever want you to change that. It's who you are. You're perfect exactly like that." He smiled and pecked your lips. "Thank you." You nodded and linked your pinky with his. "-and that's how Calum is going to die." You heard the end of the sentence. "Wait....what? Calum is going to die how?" You questioned Luke. "Well basically he's gonna meet a girl who seems completely normal at first, but ends up being like Jason or Freddy Krueger and kills him. But with a blender." You bit your lip to keep from laughing. But you couldn't hold it in. So you let it all out. Everyone else started laughing too except for Calum. "Rude."

Luke: "Luke the pool isn't open for two weeks!" You whispered. Luke woke you up at 2 am to go swimming in the neighborhood pool. "That's what makes it fun!" He said back, still pulling you along. "What if we get caught?" You reached the gate entrance and Luke picked the lock with one of your bobby pins. He's got some skills. "I don't even want to ask where you learned that." He laughed and opened the gate. "If we do get caught, we'll run like hell! What's the worst thing they can do? Give us a restraining order against the pool? There are plenty of other pools!" You giggled and agreed to his plan. You both walked to the pool and lifted up the tarp and pulled it off. Luke stood by your side and held his hand out for you. "On 3?" You nodded. "Ok. 1! 2! 3!" he whispered and you both jumped in at the same time. You came back up and watched Luke push his hair back, making you bite your lip. He smiled at you and took you by the hands and pulled you close. "See? This is fun!" He said excitedly. You laughed and put your hands on his broad shoulders. (Ok small appreciation for Luke's shoulders. ASDFGHJKL! Thank you.) "You need to stop." You admitted. "Stop what?" He asked concerned. "Stop being fucking gorgeous and perfect!" You buried your face in your hands. You felt Luke's laughter vibrate throughout your body. His hands moved yours and his eyes searched yours. "Y/N, You're the one that needs to stop being gorgeous and perfect. You literally make my heart stop every time you look at me with those beautiful eyes. Don't even get me started on your smile. Or your laugh. I can't believe you're mine. You could have any guy you wanted. And you picked me. You're mine." He said bringing his lips to yours. You kissed him back feeling the love he was pouring into you. "Luke? You could've had any girl in the world. Lord knows how many want you. You're every girl's dream! You're freaking tall, your hair is perfect which really bothers me, when you do that thing with your lip ring....have mercy. Why me?" He played with his lip ring (stop) and ran his hands through his hair. "You saw the real me." He finally answered. "What?" He took your hands and clarified. "When I first met you, you saw through all the glamour and the fame and saw me. Just me. And besides, you looked really hot." You punched his arm and giggled. "Lucas Hemmings I don't know what I'd do without you." (That's like a daily 5SOS fam statement.) He smiled and touched your cheek. "And I don't know what I'd do without you sundari. (Hindi for most beautiful :) I don't know why I picked Hindi, but there's a lot of pretty words.)" You smiled because Luke always called you that. After googling it after the 5th time he called you sundari, you finally understood what he said. And you loved it. "Swim with me!" He said swimming away from you. You smiled and dived underwater. When you came up for air, he picked you up bridal style and spun you around, holding you to his chest. "Oh no! I'm spinning out of control!" He said goofily. He spun faster and faster and fell backwards into the water, pulling you with him. You both came up laughing. "Nice hair." You pointed to the hair sticking up everywhere on his head. He used his fingers to pull his hair into two horns on the top of his head. You snorted. "Yeah that's perfect Satan." He stuck his tongue out at you and whipped his head back and forth a few times getting his hair to behave. You both laughed until a flashlight shined in your faces. "The pool is closed." An angry voice said. "Really? We are so sorry! We thought it was international "break into a pool without getting in trouble" day. It must not be until July. My mistake." Luke said grabbing your hand. "We'll be done in an hour. I promise." He added. The man sighed and took the light away from your eyes. "One hour. Then you need to leave." Luke saluted the man and went underwater. You shook your head at your strange boyfriend. He pulled you back into his arms and began spinning you around again.

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