Update!!! On All Things Kenzie!!!!! Read if you want information!!!

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Hey guys! I'm going to update you on which preferences are coming up next, the imagines that are coming, my life kinda, and The Dark Angel info!!! Let's start with The Dark Angel.

4 days, 6 chapters so far, 900 reads. BOOYAH!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading that as well! It means so much to me! I'm really having a great time with coming up with new ideas and researching old ones! I hope you guys like it too :) Btw, did you like the eye colors???? ;)


You Accidentally Break Something of His

The Bagel Backstory

You Get In A Fist Fight With Someone



He Takes A Prank Too Far

You're A Teleporter

Secret Admirer

You Refuse to Get Out of Bed

You Babysit Him

He Reacts to A Scary Maze/Game

Hip Hop Dancing

You Watch Him Work Out ;)

He's A Cockroach xD

He's A Couch xD

You Dated A Different Member Before Him

BSM: You're Gay and Never Told Him

What Color He Dyes Your Hair

He's A Pizza xD

He's A Teddy Bear :3

He's Your Teacher

You're Kind of A Bad Singer


Michael (ImagineClifford_)

Michael (Boybandinsanity)

Luke (xx_anna_xx26)

Michael (KirstyisTheBae)

Ashton (sierragrace007)

Calum (Lukeyspenguin17)

Michael (5SOSFamYouTuberLover)

Luke (LukesBae10116)

Luke (httpamanda)

Luke (CMarieKirby)

Luke (-buzzlightyear)

Calum (charleywood)

Luke (Kayla5soslol)

Ashton (fivesaucethough)

Luke (FuzzyLizz0918)

Luke (luke-hxmmings)

Ashton (5SecondsOfNotSoPunkx)

Luke (zaynbrooksluke)

Michael (1D_5Sos_AreMyDrug)

Michael (MakaylaClifford)

Ashton (AniaMalieber)

Oh my. O.o lots to write xD Sorry for the wait you guys :/ I'm trying to write as much as I can Ok? I'm a little overwhelmed, but I will keep going! I love you!!!

Mmk life. Stressed, Depressed, and Band Obsessed is my motto right now...It's pretty damn useful xD Ugh I hate when you're quiet (like normal!!!) and someone points it out and says "You're usually happy and talkative! What's wrong? Just quiet?" And you're like, "I'm always quiet. You just noticed? I'm fine. (But you're not) I just don't feel like talking." That happens to me a lot with my mom. Speaking of my mother.....aihsiudndodnsuakdjsknskjsh. So much going on with her :P.

My dad.....don't even get me started. Mr. 'sitting around doing nothing doesn't help anything. You're just being lazy. I'm disappointed in you'. Thanks dad! Just some thing called 'depression' is so easy to overcome! You're absolutely right! Thanks for the words of wisdom. I'll get right on it.

Brother!!!! I love my brother!!!! Happiness and cuss words!!!!! When I drove him back to our mom's house (in my mom's car duh. I don't have $ for a car xD), I of course was playing the 5SOS album and Good Girls (Are Bad Girls That Haven't Been Caught dammit) came on and he listened and said, "I really like this song. Can I borrow this CD and put it on my iPod?" I basically ejected the CD and threw it at him. Then he said, "You know I only make fun of them because you listen to them? I think they're actually pretty good." Friendly reminder, he's almost 20 and he makes fun of all of the music I listen to and he asked for my 5SOS CD.....SUCCESS BETCHES!!!!!

My dog looks like baby Po from Kung Fu Panda 2 xD just sayin!

My best friend, and only friend, got kicked out of his house again and I just want him to live with me dammit. :(

I spent 4 hours on the eye colors for The Dark Angel O.o all for it not to work on mobile -_- Gold star for effort.

I made sugar cookies!!!!! The first batch was absolutely perfect!!! The second one they were all square shaped xD And the last one had weird shapes like hexagons and rhombuses xD xD My geometrically challenged cookies!!!!!

I'm probably annoying you with my life story aren't I? Well too bad!!! I'm pouring my liver out to you!!! Yes I said liver!!!!


If 5sos comes back to Denver, I really want to go! I'm saving money xD lol! One can hope right ladies? ;)

I am really trying to be happy.

I don't think it's working xD

Oooh my brother told me a joke that made me laugh so hard I cried!

A priest walked into his hotel and went to the front desk and said, "I hope the porn in my room is disabled." The clerk slapped him and said, "No it's regular porn you sick bastard!" xD xD xD Oh god it's so bad but it's so funny xD

I found a quarter.

I'm just stalling now.

I stayed up till 6 am yesterday writing and listening to music. Insomnia game strong.

I wish that I could go to sleep with amnesia, and forget about the fact that I haven't slept in 5 fucking days.

For those of you hoping Luke doesn't die in The Dark Angel, I'm not going to give anything away ;) mwahahaha!

I need a 5sos cuddle. :( and maybe some pizza.

Ok I'm done now. I'm sorry xD I just get so into it!!!! Like bam!!!! Ok. Stop talking Kenzie. (I almost typed Y/N instead of my name O.o I'm in too deep.) I love you guys more than butter!!!!!!! You're just amazing and so supportive. The part that has the most comments is Please Read xx. And I can't believe how many of you cared enough to tell me I wasn't alone and to stay strong. It filled my heart with love. So thank you so much. Just know you're not alone either. Everything will be Ok eventually, and when it is, you'll be thankful that you stuck it out. I love you my army ;) xx

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