Ship (Casey)

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Name: Casey

Hair Color: Long Black

Eye Color: Brown

Hobbies: I love to read and write on occasion. Lax (Lacrosse) is a total yes.

Other: Not the tallest person but also not the shortest lol. I LOVE music, having fun, being with the ones I love. I am super shy and quiet when I first meet someone but once I'm comfortable I get loud and carefree. I tend to hide my emotions when it comes to fuzzy feelings but other than that I can be extremely blunt. I love to jam out even though I'm not a good singer.

Hellooo Casey! The 'extremely blunt' part, made me realize who I think you'd be perfect with! 

I ship you with: Michael     

When it comes to being Michael's girlfriend, you are not afraid to say what you think. And he absolutely loves that about you! He always cracks up when you get upset with a video game and you start cussing it out. Hey! You pressed 'x'!!!! Mikey realized that it took you a while to come out of your shell, but once you did, he got to see the real you. One of the best things about Mikey, is he always makes it to your lacrosse games! No matter where he is in the world, he'll fly out just to see you play. The fans saw how perfect you and Michael were and barely ever sent you hate. But when they did, it was always harsher than harsh. When that happens, Michael is there to tell you they're wrong and that you're perfect and he loves you. 

Best Friend: Luke   Luke is your jam out buddy :3 He'll crank up the music and you'll dance around like dorks, flailing your arms about and singing loudly. He has so much fun with you when you join him. He's also perfect at giving piggyback rides! He's your personal pony :P

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Calum    Calum also loves that you speak your mind. He listens to your rants or even your thoughts on a chapter in your book. He feels really close to you, and he's developing feelings for you. He doesn't know what to do, but he's hoping it will pass. (Psst! It doesn't!)

The Brotherly One: Ashton        Ashton is the one that makes sure you're putting on sunscreen, taking any necessary meds, keeping hydrated and healthy. He doesn't like to see you sick so he tries to keep you as healthy as possible! He's adorable.

(I hope you like it Casey! I lurve you like a basket of muffins. xx)

I have one more ship after this, and I will be done with those!!! Then I can focus on preferences for a while ;) love you xx

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