He Gets Even (Luke)

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You "accidentally" scared the crap out of Luke because when he went downstairs to get a snack (obviously), he didn't expect you to be sitting in complete darkness. Once he did spot you, he let out a girlish scream and reached for a spatula. Before he could attack you with the kitchen utensil you flicked the light on. "Oh my god Luke! Why are you screaming?!" you whisper shouted. "Why the hell are you sitting there?! And in the middle of the night?! I thought you were a freaking criminal or a ghost!!?!" You busted up laughing when he made the crazy hand motions to make his point. "I'm sorry Luke! I was sitting here because I didn't want to wake you. And really? A criminal or ghost? You're the one that looks like a ghost!" Luke set down the 'spatula of death' and made his way over to you. "You know I have to get you back for that right?" You scoffed and crossed your arms. "Oh really? I didn't do anything!" He smirked at you and went back upstairs. Shit.

The next few days had you paranoid to the point that you shut yourself in your room. The worst part was, he acted like normal around you. Like that night never happened. Maybe he forgot? Psh. Yeah right. Luke was taking you to the amusement park for your 2nd anniversary, so surely he wouldn't get you back today. He drove you both to the entrance and parked really close to the doors. Making your way into the park, Luke handed the lady your tickets and pulled you through the metal spinny things (?). "Which ride do you wanna go on first?" Luke nudged you causing you to flinch a little bit. He didn't see it, thank god. "Uh-h-how about the Boomerang rollercoaster?" You suggested. Luke just smiled and nodded. After each ride, Luke would hold his hand out to you and pull you along to the next ride. So far you've been on the teacups, the haunted house ride, almost all of the rollercoasters, and a few water rides. It was getting darker and the lights from the park came on. "It looks really cool like this." You said mostly to yourself. The day was ending and the park would be closed in 20 minutes. Normally there would still be a ton of people around. But there was no one else besides you and Luke. "Luke? Uh. Where is everyone? There's still 19 minutes till the park closes." You looked up at Luke's face. His expression was probably the same one you had on your face. He looked genuinely worried. "Ok c'mon Y/N. Maybe we should leave." He grip on your hand tightened and he walked in front of you, still holding you close. You both heard a loud bang that made you jump and walk faster. The doors came into view when you saw 3 people walking around them. "They'll probably know what's going on." Luke said looking around for more people. You nodded and came closer to the 3 random people. "Excuse me? Why is everyone gone?" Luke asked one of the strangers. Instead of  a response, you got a low growl. "Y/N? We need to run." Luke didn't take his eyes off the strange man in front of you. "Why? What's going on Luke?" As soon as you said that, the man lifted up his head showing the blood on his face, and the barred teeth and roared towards you. "Is this real?" You asked Luke. He nodded and started running with you attached to him. You turned back to see the 3 'zombies' coming after you. You let out a scream and turned a corner where you found more zombies. "This way!" he yelled at you running in a different direction. "How is this happening?! Zombies don't exist!" You yelled back at Luke. He came to an abrupt stop and stood very still giving you the signal that you should stay still as well. You slowly peered out from behind Luke's shoulder. In front of you were at least 30 flesh eaters. "Think they don't exist now?" he whispered to you. You nodded and clutched onto Luke. "Ok. You're going to run to the right and I'm going to distract them Ok? You need to get out of here. The keys are in my right pocket. When I count to 3 grab them and run to the car. Got it?" You began hyperventilating and shook your head. "No. I'm not going without you." "Yes you are. Ready? 1. 2. 3!!!" You panicked and reached into Luke's pocket and grabbed hold of the keys and began running. At first, you heard Luke taunting the zombies. But after a few seconds you heard his screams and the sounds of bones breaking. As you got further, the horrifying sounds got softer. Tears ran down your cheeks. Luke was gone. You started crying harder which was a really bad idea. As you neared the doors, about 50 of them blocked the way out. "Damn it! Fuck!" You screamed and cried. There was no way you'd get out of here alive. All of a sudden the crowd parted and a blonde haired zombie walked through the middle. This was it. You gathered up the strength you had left and stood your ground. He came closer to you and you choked back a sob. It was Luke. "I-I'm so sorry L-Luke! I should've stayed with you." The tears started up again and Luke made a strange noise. "I'm so sorry." you whispered again, closing your eyes. You didn't want to see his face when he would rip you apart. You felt a hand on your cheek and you started shaking. "Consider yourself gotten." He whispered in your ear. Your eyes widened and you pushed him away. "Lucas Robert Hemmings! You are such a dick!!!! I seriously thought you were dead! Why did you make me suffer? When I scared you, it was an accident!" You cried into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you. "Babe I didn't think you'd be as scared as you were. You usually love scary stuff. I'm sorry. I took it too far." He kissed the top of your head as you smirked. "Lucas Lucas Lucas. If only you had scared me as much as you thought you did. I've known about this set up for a while now." He raised an eyebrow at you. "There's no way you could've known about this." You smiled. "Luke? Next time, don't tweet about your evil plans." "Damnit!" You giggled and waved to Luke's co-stars. "Hey Michael!" He smiled and waved back. "Hey!" You turned back to Luke. He looked very confused. You laughed. "Gold star for effort!"

(Hi guys! Since no one commented on the Ashton one, I wrote this one anyways! If you want Calums' comment "#DontStop " in honor of the next 5SOS single!!! Love you!)

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