Ship (Bridie) (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) (Last One!)

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Name: Bridie

Hair Color: Lightish brown with blonde ends, medium length, wavy

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hobbies: Reading, tweeting, eating, staying up late, watching TV

Other: I'm average height and love Dave Franco hahaha xx

Hi Bridie! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope this is a good present from me ;) xx

I ship you with: Ashton  

Ashton would be the boyfriend that enjoyed doing everything with you! He'd often start twitter wars with you, have eating contests, or just lounge around and watch your favorite TV shows! He's also very protective and cute towards you. He just doesn't want to see you get hurt. He's a little jealous of Dave Franco because you have a major crush on him, and he always tries to shield your eyes whenever he's on the TV xD You thought it was really cute that he got so jealous, but you'd remind him that you loved him and that you'd never leave him for Dave. :) You'd known Ashton for a while even before you started dating which is why....

Best Friend: Ashton  ....he's also your best friend! You've told each other everything and you've been inseparable since you met :) That's why your relationship seemed to work out so well because you know each other like the back of your hands. Sure you do have arguments here and there, but nothing could keep you apart! He loves you very much and will never let you go <3

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Calum      Calum loves how laid back and fun you are. When he first met you, he felt butterflies that couldn't seem to go away! He's completely in love with you but he knows you're with Ash and doesn't want to ruin what you have with Ash and what you have with him.

The Brotherly One: Luke and Michael    Luke and Mikey have both taken on the roles of being your dorkish brothers. They always prank you and tease you to the point of you wanting to punch both of them in the face. When they're not being annoying as hell, they're actually very sweet. If you ever need to talk to one of them, they'll listen. If you need a cuddle, they'll start a cuddle train on the couch! Honestly, you couldn't ask for better brothers :)

(I hope you liked it Bridie!!! Happy Birthday! I hope you had a really good day filled with cake (both kinds) and happiness!

"Happy Birthday B! Love you babe!" -Ash

"Yeah Happy Birthday! I love you! I got you a penguin and a hug." -Luke

"But I love her more! :P Happy birthday sunshine <3" -Calum

"You may not want to sit on that chair....ahem. Happy Birthday Bridie! You're the best and I love you!" -Michael

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