The Tale Of The Blue Bra (Ashton Takeover for A Second)

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So many of you want to know the story of me finding Calum in the blue I'm finally telling you the whole story. -Ashton

I was eating a bagel at a local coffee shop in Vegas. Yes Vegas. It's already starting to make sense isn't it? Anyways, I ate my bagel in peace not knowing what was in store for my next adventures. I walked back to the hotel, stopping to take a few pictures on the way. When I got inside, I couldn't wait to go to bed after a very long day. I got in the elevator and went to the eighth floor of the Bellagio hotel towards my room. 811. I sighed and dug out my key and shoved it in the door and pulled it out quickly and entered. The room was strangely dark and I was sure I left a lamp on. Calum must've been sleeping already. That was before I heard moaning. That's right. Moaning. I flipped on the light and I screamed. Calum was dressed in a Vegas girls' outfit. A bright, sparkly blue outfit. The bra was definitely bigger than his flat chest. I was expecting someone else to be there...and there was. It was Michael. He was in the bed playing with the girls' boots. They were also blue. And he was also wearing them. I asked them why they were wearing them, Calum said it was a dare. Michael said the boots looked sexy and thought they'd look good on him. When I asked about where they got the outfit, they both said Luke. Now I'm freaking out right? How the hell did Luke manage to get this girls' costume? So I left the room to go look for Luke. I found his room which was right across from mine and knocked. He answered wearing normal clothes, thank god. "Luke. Where'd you get the showgirl costume? And why did you give it to Calum?" I asked. He blinked and looked at me like I was crazy. "I didn't get a costume. I have no idea what you're talking about." So I took him across the hall and opened the door to my room to the display of Calum in the blue bra. Luke blushed and ran out right away. He couldn't have gotten the costume if he ran away from Calum wearing it. So I asked them again. This time Michael said, "We bought it." And Calum said he already owned it. To this day, I still don't know who gave it to them, why Calum was in a blue bra, and why Michael had great legs for those boots.

That  was  awkward  ok?!?  You  don't  see  Calum  in  bras  everyday!!!  -Luke's  outMy  secret is  outI'm  going  to  Hawaii.  -Calum

GoodGet  some  coconut  bras  while  you're  there!!!!  They  seem  fitting  for  you.  -Michael

I'm  still  pissed  about  Michael's  legsDamn  you.  -Kenzie

;)  -Michael

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