Leico- don't leave me alone

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Nico's P.O.V 

I wake up curled up, next to Leo. I smile and see how calm he looks, how messy his hair is and I sigh. I love this, early mornings when the rest of the world is silent and it's just us two. Ever since the war me and him have been inseparable. I sigh and lie my head on his chest, hearing his slow heartbeat, like a beat that I could listen to over and over and never get tired of. I prefer this way of life...him and me together happy...uncomplicated. He shuffles closer to me and I smile and feel his arms lay over me. I sigh and close my eyes, images flashing through my mind of fears and terrors since Tartarus. I try to shake them off every night and they have gotten a bit better but not great.

I am in our room, alone. I try to ring Leo but he doesn't answer. I look around and see all of his stuff gone, pictures of us smashed or facing down. I begin to worry and I realise he's gone...but where? I close my eyes and begin to pray. I pray to Aphrodite that this is all a dream and not real, that Leo hasn't left me all alone.

"Leo?" I ask and he looks angry at something and I see him smash a machine, he looks mad and fire is in his eyes. His hands set on fire as he begins to glare at everything and he looks at me and I try to calm him down. "Leo?" I ask and he storms out and I begin to worry. He leaves the house, leaving for good.

I sigh and sit all alone in my cabin, Leo has been trying to get me to talk to him. I sigh and walk around alone, him following and talking to me. I won't answer, I am being the old, antisocial Nico. I sigh and he looks upset and he leaves and I try to talk to him but it's like he can't hear me.

I open my eyes and see Leo waking up and I smile and hug him. He grins and he hugs me. "Morning Neeks" Leo says, his voice hoarse. I smile and he sighs and smiles back. Leo yawns. "Hey, you were muttering again last night? Them dreams are back aren't they?" Leo says and I nod and he holds me closer. "I know how it feels, but unfortunately I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me until the end Neeks" Leo says and I smile and look up at him. We both have been left, we both have abandonment issues and finally we have someone that won't leave. "Leo, don't leave me" I say and he smiles and he kisses me gently and he sighs and looks into my eyes. "I'm never going to leave, as long as you don't leave me" Leo says and I smile and nod. "I will never leave you..." I say and kiss him back and he smiles.

Nico di Angelo x Leo/Percy one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now