Stitches of our hearts

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Zak POV--

Emails, emails, lockdowns, locations, invoices, disclosure forms, insurance forms, confirmation bookings, car hire, receipts, company credit card statement.

It was never ending. I looked around my office unable to see the desk due to the vast amount of paperwork that I had failed to put away. Just tossed it on the desk in a hope that by some slice of a miracle Maria would cuss me and place it away.

Her filing system was like no other, she would scan everything. I didn't have the patience. I had stayed in Carmel for a week before returning home with a sour taste in my mouth.. A taste I've had since Maria has left.

Nothing was the same, everything was dull and uninteresting.

Today, was the first day Cece had snapped at me. I play pranks, lock her in the food pantry and constantly make her jump. I never get a reaction, but today she snapped when I refused to get myself sorted. She has shouted at me telling me to clean the office and give Maria a reason to come back other than to clear up after my shit.

She was right.

The house had never looked so dirty, so I apologised and sent her home with a day's pay whilst I got my shit together.

It was 9pm when I collapsed into the love seat with beads of sweat across my head.

6 hours solid of nonstop cleaning, polishing and buffering. My house was back but my home had left me in Carmel.

Leaving a note and her ring...

Gracie looked up at me and wagged her tail before sitting at my feet. "I don't think tonight is the night." I sighed looking at the door.

I wanted her to come bundling in, singing to herself, carrying shopping bags and before dropping everything to coo over Gracie.

My phone pinged making me sigh. I left it until it pinged again as a reminder. I pulled it from my pocket and saw Aaron's name.

Aaron { Maria is back. She is with me. Thought you should know.

My heart missed a beat as I sat up straight.. She's back. She's back!

Zak{ Is she okay?

Aaron{ Tired. Jetlag I think.

I didn't respond, instead I grabbed my keys and left the house heading straight for Aaron's house.

I had to see her, I'd scale the bloody wall and house to see her, just with my own eyes.

Just my luck that I got stuck in a traffic jam causing me to slam on my horn impatiently. I didn't have time to waste!

Throwing my car into reverse I did a u turn and took off the other way, using an alternative route to Aaron's house.

The security guard on Aaron's private community knew me and my car and buzzed me in instantly. I threw up my hand as I passed and shot up into the community.

Parking the car out the front I got out and locked it before running up the drive and hammering on the door.

I watched a silhouette walk towards the door and open just a small amount.

"Dude it's la-"

"I need to see her." I interrupted Aaron.

"She's asleep bro, she just told me to tell you. Not for you to come over, she doesn't need to be stressed right now."

"Aaron... Let me in." I glared.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now