Another meal time disaster

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"What's up chicken little?!" Aaron called as I walked into the room and dumped my things down.

"The sky." I muttered.

"Okay! How you feeling?!" He asked as I walked into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bath whilst he trimmed his beard.

"Like shit, Zak took me to get the things last night and ended up staying there."

"Obviously, but you could have woke me up, I would have taken you to get things."

"I was gonna walk until Zak came out the lift. Anyway, as we were talking.."


"Yes. Talking talking, Tasha showed up." I said looking at him. Aaron almost shaved his beard off at that.

"Why is she here?" He asked stopping his shaver.

"To surprise him, what's annoyed me is he was telling me that he still loved me and she walked in and was kissing him! If he loved me he would had pushed her away.. No?" I asked.

He shook his head in disappointment and cleaned up the bathroom quickly. "I don't know what he's playing at Ri but just try and keep things professional. For your sake at least."

I nodded agreeing with him. "It's all yours! Then we are having breakfast!" He cheered leaving me in the bathroom.

I smiled at his stupidity as he began singing a song about pancakes, sausages, eggs and bacon. I grabbed some clothes tossing them into the bathroom along with my wash bag and supplies as I now called them.

The hot water burned my skin, washing away all the troubles and realising the tension in my back. I stood there for a while letting the water burn the bottom of my back and then let it do the same for my
tummy easing the cramping feeling. After washing, I hopped out and changed into a pair of leggings, a jumper and pulling on a pair of boots. Looking at myself in the mirror I slapped my cheeks to bring some life into them before leaving the bathroom.

"STAY STILL!" He yelled making me freeze I instantly.

"What?!" I asked panicking.

"Nothing just wondering if you would stop."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag packing it up before putting it on my shoulder.

"Ready." I smiled and headed out. Being lazy I called the lift instead of taking the stairs. I was in no rush to sit around a table if the wonderful Tasha was here.

"Maria we should stop meeting like this." Alex spoke beside me making me smile.

"Hey, how did your meeting go?" I asked looking up at him.

"As well as expected. How are you? You look peaky. Are you going for breakfast?" He asked making me nod.

"I am."

"How about breakfast with me?"

I was going to politely decline when Alex chirped up and invited him to sit with us.

"Thank you." He smiled at Aaron ad me.

"It's the least we do after you helped out Ri the other day." Aaron replied.

Well this is going to be tickety boo with Alex, Zak and Tasha. Walking into the dining room Aaron guided me to a seat and sat me down.


"I'll get it."

"I'm not Di-"

"I'll get it. Stay there." He demanded and went off to get us breakfast.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now