When you were gone.

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I had been watching Zak sleeping for a while, he had made himself comfortable on the bed beside me last night and insisted on holding onto me.

A few times he moved in the night and woke me but I held back my growl, my urge to elbow him or even slap the side of his head when he bugged me. He was clingy and I don't know why. Aaron had gone home around 2am after trying to convince Zak to leave me alone. But he failed and I sent Aaron on worried he would fall asleep at the wheel. Just for good measures he rang me when he was home.

Brushing my fingers across Zak's cheek bone gently I smiled..

So handsome.

I kissed his parted lips and took in the small details of his face. Like the few strands of grey coming in his goatee.

"Knock knock." A voice whispered making me look at the door to see Ellen.

I smiled at her and waved for her to come in.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked as she took a seat.

"Me? She asks whilst in a hospital bed." She tutted and opened up her bag.

"I've bought you goodies." She answered.

"Oooo." I smiled as strawberries, chocolate, fresh pjs, magazines, underwear and fluffy socks.

"I- are you crying?" Ellen asked as I shook my head sending tears down my cheeks.


"I've also brought you this..." She pulled out some soap and my wash bag.

"Try to use this.." She pointed to the new soap she brought. "It's unscented and ph balanced. The last thing you want is anything irritating your tummy. So tell me. How are you feeling?"

"A little tired, mostly sore."

"Have you eaten yet?" She asked, I shook my head and pointed to water.

"That's filling me up so fast." I replied.

"Have you spoken to the doctor yet?"

"No, waiting for him to do his rounds. Surgery obvious didn't go right.. I was only meant to have keyhole.." I frowned.

"How long has he been asleep?" She asked taking a peak at Zak.

"All night. Exhausted.." I sighed rubbing his arm.

"I'm so glad you two finally got it together. I knew you'd be perfect for him.. I just never knew you were the woman who got under his skin so much when he went to Aaron's."

I smiled "That's me." I answered.

"I'm also glad you two sorted things out. The state of that house." She whispered shaking her head.

"Oh he's a nightmare with washing I know." I laughed.

"Maria... He ripped the tv off the wall. Put it through the glass coffee table. He destroyed the house after leaving you at Aaron's.. Cece rang me worried and told me to keep Gracie until she had cleaned the house."

"What?" I whispered.

"Everything breakable... I'd never seen so much carnage. His rage scares me. But you.. You have this ability, I laugh as it sounds like you are almost super human. But you can bring him down in seconds, or you can set him alight. I bless the person that ever hurts you.. He would sure kill them." She answered.

"I never knew.. About the house."

"Hmm... It was worrying. The only things left untouched were yours. I found him in the wardrobe surrounded by your clothes as he cried packing it."

I looked at Zak frowned as tears came to my eyes.

"He finished with me Ellen.. I never wanted to be without him. It tore my heart out." I whispered.

"I know. His too. I'm not saying it to upset you.. Just letting you know that loving you is more important than anything to him right now. You both were made for each other."

"I can't see a life worth living without him." I whispered holding onto his hand as he stirred. His eyes opened and met mine and with a smile he went back again.

"Has he told you? How he feels with you?" She asked.

I nodded "He tells me he loves me."

"I've heard him say that I mean.. Mentally?"

I shook my head frowning, Ellen looked Zak and waited before continuing.

"He describes it in such a way. Truly beautiful I think. He said he's a storm.. Unpredictable, chaotic, miserable, glum. But you're the sun that breaks through the cloud.. Brings peace back to the world. Shines happiness."

I smiled hearing that "He's never told me that."

"Hmm. And he asked me to imagine being telepathic with a thousand voices in my head. Just noise. But you, you're the silence that stops it..."

I looked at Zak still fast asleep "You hopeless romantic you. I'm the quiet in your storm."

"I don't know what you've done to him. But my gosh you've got him." She smiled.

I began smiling when I had kisses on my neck as he woke up slowly. However when he pulled me into him and caught my stitches I soon pulled him off.

"Sorry, sorry!" He panicked looking at my stomach.

I dreaded to think what was under this gown..

"It's okay, just.. Careful baby." I replied.

"Sorry.." He apologised again and gave me a proper kiss.

He pushed his forehead into mine making me smile and then bury my head into his neck as he held me giving him a chance to speak to his mom.

"Good morning." A voice spoke making me lift my head up to see the doctor was here. Filling me in on surgery yesterday my head snapped at Zak when the doctor said I died on the table... More than once.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" I asked Zak who looked away.

"I didn't want to worry you. You're here now.. With me."

"You should have said." I replied and looked at the doctor.

"My stomach.. So what your telling me now is that on verge of borderline anorexia I'm going to lose more weight because I have some of my stomach missing?"

"I'm afraid it's a long journey ahead at the moment. We have a dietician who will come and speak to you to discuss food options and how to gain weight healthy and maintaining that weight."

"Am I ever going to get a break?!"


"No Zak. Don't Maria me. It's one thing after another. When do we get to go back to us? When can we go back to being us again? Because this, this is bullshit." I answered.

"It's a lot to take in. I understand." The doctor said making me scoff.

"Is the scar going to be big?" I asked making him nod.

"It's a large opening. We had no other option." He answered.

I looked at Zak and one thought came to mind.

He won't find me attractive anymore..

That thought stayed, played and mocked me the rest of the day.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now