Lets get on the same page

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My heart was beating fast, blood was whooshing in my ears when I asked him...

"Will you marry me?" I breathed looking down at Zak.

His body stiffened under mine no not that bit... Although that was still hard. His hands held my thighs as his eyes looked from my eyes and down my body.

What's taking so long? It's a yes or a no!

They stopped at my scar when it felt like a knot had been tied into my intestines. He didn't want to get married.

"Just be honest with me Zak." I whispered between the clatters of thunder.

"I- " he rubbed his face with his hand and placed it back down on my thigh.

"You don't want to.. It's okay." I answered masking my hurt. I got off him and pulled my satin robe on.

"I need to shower." I spoke to myself grabbing my panties and bra.

"Maria..." He sighed.

"I should shower I co- shit we haven't got electric. No worry. I'm gonna have a bath. Yeah. A bath." I rambled leaving him on the lounge floor.

I could have kicked myself for being so stupid! Why did I even ask?! I should have known it was going to go to shit!

After rummaging I found a lighter and lit the candles in the bathroom before running a hot bath and getting in. The water washed over my skin bathing me in a cherry blossom & vanilla scent. I took my time gently washing my stomach and looking at the scar tissue. I wanted to do a dance of joy that we finally did the chitty chitty bang bang but I ruined it by asking him to marry me.

It was his duty to ask me anyway and I took it instead, not because I wanted to tie him down and make sure he never left, but because I held so much love in my heart, that I wanted to show him.. Words weren't enough.

Sighing I sank down under the water and came back up to see the door slowly opening and Zak coming in wearing boxers.

"Hey." He spoke quietly walking in and looking around before a small smile filled his face.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Can I join you?" He asked looking at my bubbly adventure.


He stripped off and came over. I moved forward as he slipped in behind me and eased me back to rest against him. I didn't want to fight him anymore, or ask why. He didn't want to, that was plain enough. We had only just started sharing a bed again after 3 nights of him sleeping in another room.. Not to mention sleeping together for first time in over a month.

I sighed as Zak washed my body with a flannel taking his time and kissing my neck occasionally.

"Are you mad with me?" He asked after a while of silence.

"No. I just-" I turned my head to look at him.

"I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me... I didn't realise it meant shoving a hot poker up your ass too."

His lips fought a smile at my answer "It's my duty.. My job to ask you. No to mention getting permission from your dad." He answered.

"Don't make excuses Zak. You don't want to. And that's okay. As long as you want me.." I responded.

He frowned hard at me "Always. I'll always want you. Please don't think any different."

"But one day yeah? One day I'll stop being your not yet wife and be your real wife?" I asked playing with his hand.

"One day on the future.. Absolutely." He whispered kissing my temple.

I refrained from adding 'near future' to his sentence.

His fingers traced my scar a few times before I felt inclined to say something "Does it bother you?"

"No.. I can't believe this is what you were so worried about. It's just a scar.. A scar that was necessary and what saved your life."

"From my angle.. It's massive." I sighed looking down."

"I can assure you it's not." He whispered making me smile slightly and lean back on him. I flicked warm water on and sighed contently until Zak began panting.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"That water.. It's hot. Really hot. My balls." He hissed making me pull a face and turn it off quick before adding cold water.

"Jesus woman. Can't you feel hot how it is?" He asked holding himself.

"Sorry." I answered biting my lip to stop myself laughing.

"Jeez...." He panted and pulled me back to him. "Get here I want wash your hair."

"My hair?" I repeated making him nod.


Shrugging I sat back against him and relaxed as he foamed my hair up before rinsing it out and putting in conditioner. His fingers massaged my head softly making me smile.

"You're good at this." I spoke as he rinsed my hair out.

"Glad you think so. This evening would have been perfect if dinner hadn't been spoilt by the weather."

I shook my head disagreeing "No, you would have been in your office all evening and I would have gone to bed annoyed. I know you work hard but an hour a day for me? That's all I'm asking... Please?"

"I'm sorry, I've just hermitted away. An hour? You deserve longer and you will get longer than that."

"Hmm I haven't minded that much as I've had Gracie. I'm glad she is at your moms. At least they have electricity." I giggled and looked around the bathroom.

"This is nice and cozy. Relaxing to, I don't have time to use the bath much. Definitely a shower guy."

"I am too.. But maybe once a week we can both take a bath. Together and do this? Because it's peaceful and beautiful." I suggested.

"Hmm. Definitely. Wanna wash my hair now?" He asked.

I didn't need to be told twice and we both awkwardly but eventually turned in the bath and I had him against my chest as I massaged his head.

"Fuck me this is good.." He sighed as his eyes rolled.

I kissed Zak's cheek making him smile and look up at me "Properly." He said making me lean down and kiss his lips.

"Hmm... I love you." He whispered.

"Love you too.. Bagans." I answered and went back to washing his hair thinking of how long I'd have to wait..

Near future.. Near future.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now