Too much responsibility for a man.

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I left Maria with Aaron whilst I changed, pulling off the comforter and pillow I looked around the bedroom.

"Fill your boots. Destroy the house but enjoy it because when I come back I'm sending your ass straight back to hell." I growled closing the door behind me.

Maria was out the front of the house when I walked out carrying out bedding.

"We're both sleeping on the way." I spoke passing her. She nodded lightly and began grabbing cases.

I walked up into the RV greeting Bacon and putting the bedding at the back.

"What's up bro?" Bacon asked.

"Demons.. Fucking with her again." I sighed and fell quiet as Maria put the cases in the RV.

"Hey Ria!"

"Hey Bacon." She replied quietly before getting back out the RV to get some more.


"I know." I replied. I didn't need anyone to tell me she looked awful, how her eyes had dark marks underneath, how the sparkle in them had gone. How she looked lifeless half the time, how she had withdrawn from the loud mouth, cocky, sexy, gorgeous woman I had fell in love with, to a complete shell..

She was gone and I was left with Maria who was grasping at the ends of who she was with both hands desperately.

I helped them load up the RV and headed back to the house. I noticed the ball by the front door.

"I guess they haven't gone to sleep yet." Maria spoke behind me.

I grunted and shut the door almost wishing I could shut them out forever.

I turned to see a little smile on her face, always excited to get away for some peace and quiet..

Always cried silently when we had to come home.. She didn't think I had noticed.

Empath was harder than it looked when I woke up and could feel the emotion rolling off her.

I picked her up and put her on my waist making her squeak and wrap her legs around my waist.

Love making was out the question in our house at the moment.. We both couldn't concentrate on it.

"You and me are sleeping and having a snuggle all the way there." I smiled holding her backside and walking to the RV.

"I'd like that.." She replied.

As I got further away from the house my Maria was coming back. The twinkle, the smile and the confidence.

She cuddled me as we walked up on the RV and to the back, I lowered her onto the bed. She unlocked her legs and looked up at me as I took the edges of her jumper and pulled it off over her head before taking her shoes off.

"Thank you kind sir." She giggled.

My heart melted hearing it, to the point I felt like crying myself.

Whilst Maria sorted the pillows I flicked out the bedding covering the bed. I got in beside her and looked down to Aaron who was waiting for us.

"Let's go!" I called with a smile as Maria got under my arm and put her hand under my top rubbing my chest.

"Are you trying to seduce me in the RV?" I whispered.

"You wish. That's for hotels only at the moment.. I love you." She smiled giving me a kiss.

I returned the kiss making a little giggle leave her lips. Wanting to keep hearing it after its absence for so long I began kissing all over her face making her laugh.

I landed back on her mouth kissing her harder. She gave a little moan and ran her leg over mine, taking her thigh in my hand I pulled on her leg bringing her half on me.

"Zak.. Not here." She whispered.

"Why not?"

"Because they are here." She meant Bacon and Aaron.

"Can't I at least... Make myself acquainted with your body on the way?" I asked playing with her pantie line.

"You know what I'm like.." She blushed.

"I do. Squirming the bed and pulling the bedding up in your hands whilst thanking God. I was doing the work you know." I teased.

"Then I'll remember to thank you next time, if I don't... Then spank me." She flirted.

"I'm holding you too that." I grinned.

Maria's head went over my heart listening for the beat. Something I had told her to do when it all started...

The image of terror on her face when she was pulled out of bed, will never leave my mind. It was a quick jolt off me, waking us both up. Confused she went to move back up when she was yanked off the bed. Frightened she screamed for me and freaked out.

We slept in the car outside on the drive that night with Gracie.. She refused to come back in the house.

It's happened to me and it's a scary experienced for something that occupies air to have enough force and strength to pull you from the bed.

But when it's someone you love...

"You were humming last night." Maria spoke looking up at me. "It was comforting."

"Good. Listen to me... I'm going to sort this all out okay?"

"I know you will.. But not if it's going to effect you badly Zak. I'd rather handle it the way I am then have you hurt."

"But it's my duty-"

"No it's not.. A relationship is two sided. I don't want anything hurting you, as you don't want anything hurting me. My not yet husband."

I grinned at our little sayings "I'll take care of you always. My not yet wife. And I'm also dragging that demon or demons out our home. Because I worry for your safety, Ceces and Gracie's as well as my own."

"No.. Zak that's too much." She sat up off my chest with her brows pulled together.

"You can't do all that worry as well as the show, aftershocks, the channel, editing and our sleep at the moment. No I won't let you. You'll break and I need you. I need you to be you. To be my warrior." She replied getting upset.

This was tiredness taking over her now.

"Hey, don't get upset.."

"Well stop taking on so much! It's not right. I promise I'll get better, I'll do better to help you out. I want in. On whatever you have to do. I want in." She replied.

"No fucking way."

"Let me help you! I don't want you taking all that on yourself! It's not right!"

"You don't understand." I replied.

"Then teach me! Show me! Become my mentor!"

"It's not school!"

"I want to protect you!" She fired back.

"You can't even look after yourself!" I shouted and closed my eyes knowing I shouldn't have said that.

I opened them to Maria playing with her fingers with a tear drop hanging off the top of her nose.. She was crying.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I just want to help you.." She mumbled.

"You can. But not with something like this.."

"Then what?"

"By keeping yourself strong, by telling me that you don't feel comfortable instead of bottling things up. Maria they are messing with your head and the more we communicate, the less chance they have of winning."

She wiped her face and took it on board.


"Yes okay."

"Right now get back over here, we need sleep."

She landed on my chest again holding me a little tighter, I ran my hand up and down her back until her breathing changed..

My not yet wife was asleep.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now