Our girl.

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A couple of hours, turned to a few... A few hours turned into 6.

"Something is wrong. If she was okay they would have seen us by now?" I fumed putting my head into my hands.

"I'll go ask again." Aaron answered putting his phone into his pocket as he stood up.

The door opened making me stand up as well as the surgeon came in.

"Is she okay? What's taken so long?" I asked.

"Sir please take a seat." He said taking a seat himself.

"I don't want to sit. I want to see her, I want to see Maria. I've been sat here 6 hours already."

"Sir." The surgeon spoke again and I had a sinking feeling in my tummy that it was bad news.

"Please.. Please don't tell me it's bad." I answered sitting down.

"With any surgery there are complications, also with anaesthesia."

I nodded gripping onto the foam padded seats that did nothing for relieving a dead ass.

"Upon key hole surgery we found Maria's appendix had burst, resulting in us stopping immediately and changing our course of surgery. We had to perform open surgery... The infectious materials from the appendix had spread onto her abdominal area. We cleaned the area quickly however there was damage done to her stomach... We had to remove a small section of her stomach because of it."

"Like a gastric band? Only its gone?" I frowned.

He nodded "But she's thin enough already?! She can't get any smaller!" I panicked.

"Whilst in surgery... We lost her a few times on the operating table."

"Shit bro." Aaron put his hand on my shoulder.

"I- you got her back right?" I asked. "She's alive isn't she?!"

"Her brain was starved of oxygen for a matter of minutes, however those minutes may have a detrimental effect when she wakes."

"She went in for an appendix and now she might be a cabbage?!" I snapped.

"Zak!" Aaron snapped.

"What?! I'm only saying what she would say if it was me!"

"No.. Zak. She wouldn't." Aaron answered.

"Can I see her?" I asked worried sick.

"Of course." He answered and stood up leading us from the room.

We walked into a room with the lights low and machine were still hooked up to her. Maria was laid up in the bed looking pale with an IV bag and bloods.

"I'll leave you alone." The surgeon spoke quietly.

As I took her hand she began choking sending the machines mad beside her.

"She's coming around! She's- HELP!" I yelled as the surgeon and nurses came in instantly pushing us aside.

"Maria... Maria I need you to calm down you're in hospital after having surgery on your appendix." He spoke before giving orders of what he needed and what was to happen next.

The heart monitor kept rising as she struggled in the bed. Her hand pulled the IV out and a struggled scream left her throat.

"Move!" I ordered and got between her and the surgeon grabbing her face.

"Maria. Look at me!" Her brown eyes found my voice and locked on with me.

"I'm here. So is Aaron. You're scaring us a little.. Calm down sweetie. I'm here." I reassured her.

Keeping her occupied with me, the surgeon removed the tube from her throat making her gag and pull a face.

"Welcome back." I smiled at her.


"I'm here sweetie. It's okay."

"I hurt. Everything hurts." She whispered.

I frowned and leant over kissing her head "I'm here.."

I knew I wasn't any form of pain relief but maybe me just being here would ease the pain a little.

"Zak.." Aaron whispered as a small whimper came from Maria, I looked down to see her crying.

"I want Gracie.." She sniffled.

I looked at the surgeon who smile "Anaesthesia... This is good news."

I almost asked how when but then I remembered the conversation of being a cabbage.

Her arms grabbed my coat pulling me in close to her "Everyone is staring... Can I go home?" She whispered.

"I'm afraid you've got to stay in a little longer than we expected Maria.. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. This however... Has to say in." He answered putting the IV back in.

"I liked you.. I don't anymore." She answered wiping her eyes.

I smiled at her and looked at Aaron who smirked "That's our girl." He laughed.

"Visiting hours ar-"

"I'm not leaving her." I interrupted.

"Of course.."

"We come as a package." I added and watched Aaron take a seat beside her bed.

"Call security. But I ain't moving not yet." He answered.

"It's okay Mary." The surgeon nodded. She gave a nod and left us.

"I'll swing by tomorrow. Have a little chat." He smiled and left us alone.

I looked down to see Maria playing with my fingers happily before biting the back of my hand.


She jumped and looked at me worried before kissing my hand where the bite mark was.

"Sorry.. Just you are. You're yummy." She gave a smile with pinpoint pupils.

I could hardly be mad at her not after nearly losing her, I went to kiss her mouth when she pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked tucking her hair back behind her ear.

"Scratchy." She mumbled touching my chin gently.

"It's gonna be a long night bro." Aaron answered amused as Maria gasped.

"Aaron has a big scratchy." She whispered before reaching for his face.

"Oh yes." I replied and laughed softly as he tried to nip at her fingers.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now