Running into Trouble

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I rolled out of bed seeing the sun was up. I knew it was still early from the position of it in the sky which only meant one thing whilst I was away..

Time to work out.

I dug out my work out gear and went to the bathroom pulling it on, hoping not to make too much noise in case I woke Aaron. As I came back through I took my phone off charge and pushed it into the arm cuff. I scribbled a note and stopped looking at my hand.

I guess it was time...

I took the ring off my finger and placed it on the piece of paper.. I would have to return it to Zak later.

I left the hotel room quietly and made my way down stairs and out the hotel. The large clock on the wall read 7.25 am.

Huh, I guess I didn't need sleep anymore.

I stood outside stretching my body and warming up before hitting the pedometer on my phone. I decided against headphones today as I was in unfamiliar grounds, the chances of me getting lost were high so I needed my wits about me. Music only made me lose concentration to the world around me and sometimes led me down a path where I push myself too much and eventually hurt myself.

"Just a nice easy run or maybe a jog." I spoke to myself as I made my way off.

I made my way across town taking in the older buildings right to new ones springing up beside them trying to intimidate them

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I made my way across town taking in the older buildings right to new ones springing up beside them trying to intimidate them. It felt good to run. I began to push myself, despite my earlier warning when I found it numbed the pain inside a little more.

Running was suppose to be good for you.. I wonder if it meant mentally as well.

I kept my head up letting my hair swish side to side as I continued on feeling my muscles working properly and my lungs work a little better than being constantly in resting. I definitely needed to replicate this into every day life... I'd probably run a little better too.

Approaching a set of lights I crossed with a group of students who were gassing about school and exams. They wouldn't know it yet.. But they were the greatest days of your life, unless you had a job you loved that it.

I love my job...

Loved? It was too early to say. But I imagined it was going to be difficult now with Zak. I guess it would only be difficult if I made it difficult.

If he made it difficult.

I slipped into a park area and began running around it when I noticed a few joggers out as well.

Maybe this was the place to be?!

I noticed one guy, mainly because his hood covered his eyes and I wondered if he was running in general or running because he had mugged someone. Not seeing a swag bag I presumed he was running and did my best to avoid him.. The angry running from how hard he was going.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now