I'd rather lose it all.

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Zak POV..

I'd been sat in my car for over an hour inside the garage, I pulled out my phone to I read the time. 11.56pm. Rubbing my forehead I decided it was time to face the music with Maria.

The house was in darkness and quiet, apart from the faint clicking of Gracie's tags as she came to greet me.

Crouching down I made a fuss and headed towards the kitchen to make sure she had fresh water and kibble to snack on throughout the night. I soon found that Maria had done that.

I knew she had been home, my mom had dropped Gracie over and text me asking why Maria looked upset, she didn't believe the excuse of a headache that Maria had gave her.

Knowing she was home and safe I spent more time sorting footage for aftershocks as well as going for drinks with Aaron and Bacon. I didn't drink but it was more of company and an excuse not to go home. But after chatting with the guys and them insuring me that I was in the wrong and Maria's actions were justified, I bit the bullet and returned home with my tail between my legs.

I let Gracie into the garden and sat outside for a further 20 minutes before kicking myself at being such a yellow belly. Shutting down the house I made my way into the bedroom using the cover of darkness to snake in and get myself ready for bed.

I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth before leaving the bathroom. As I opened the bathroom door light streamed into the bedroom illuminating the bed where I found Maria..

My heart tugged seeing her asleep on her front, her glasses which she despised set on her nose with a few strands of hair on her face.

Wearing matching CK bra and panties. Her smooth tanned back swooped down to her perfect round behind that made my insides tense. The sheet was thrown over her feet and hand was still rested on the laptop.

She had tried to stay up...

Feeling even worse than I possibly could knowing that. I walked over quietly slipping the laptop out from under her hand. The screen lit up from its sleep displaying the pages of emails that she was answering..

She had fallen asleep working whilst I was sat in a bar moaning about her. I shut it down and placed it on the dresser before gently taking her glasses off.

I smiled looking at them, the thick black frames were like mine. I remembered going to get them with her and the small pouted lips she had when she tried them on. Tiredness was the only time she would give in and wear them. Other than that she wouldn't be seen dead in them.

I found her quiet the seductress with them, but she didn't quiet believe me.

Being as quiet as possible I sat down on the bed beside her and removed the hair from her face. In my mind I drove us back to this morning..

When she walked in wearing only a little pair of shorts accentuating her  silky smooth legs. At the time I was so consumed in the chaos of work and having the channel breathe down my neck about missing disclosure forms. As well as consent forms for a lockdown and receipts to claim expenses back. Without them we were one episode short if I couldn't present them, I would cost the travel channel money, not to mention the crew in pay and land myself with an extensive bill of travelling costs.

I had got the email from the crew manager Dan. He instantly forwarded it to me and hey presto!

I was stressed out, couldn't sleep and trying to track my brains as to where the whole file had gone!

Not only was I angry at myself but at Maria.. I guess I presumed that after leaving Tennessee that she wouldn't speak to Alex again.  I mean he was a basic stranger in my eyes but she had befriended him so quick that I hated it. There was something about him that I didn't trust, something I couldn't quiet put my finger on. So when I saw that they had been casually texting on and off for the last few weeks I felt betrayed..

I felt like she was slipping through my fingers, admittedly I hadn't helped matters. I just didn't want another man looking at Maria or putting his hands upon her like I should be... I could just see his smug face ready to take my place and that infuriated me.

I didn't want to control her, I just didn't want to lose her. Ever.

Looking at her peaceful face I brushed the pad of my thumb across her cheek causing her to sigh softly. At least she was sleeping better, the nights she used to wake up screaming covered in a cold sweat I had wanted to leave this life style. I had come close to throwing in the towel, packing up everything and taking her to England. To a place where she felt safe, I was going to say goodbye to the Vegas lights in favour of patchwork fields and fresh fruit farms. I just wanted her happy and at peace...

Last night the dreaming had started again, it had caused my heart to sink into the pit of my stomach seeing her run into the bathroom holding her nose.. I felt responsible for her in the house. Despite this being our home together I was constantly worried about her.

I had always pride myself on my work, people admired my dedication to the paranormal. I had been doing it for 10 years. In that time I had sacrificed more than the fans had realised.. I had more knocks from than I showed, I had my fair share of failed relationships, I had missed many family events and missed that crucial phone call from my mom letting me know my gran had passed. I had gone nights without sleep, been terrorised by spirits in my own home and been dragged out of my bed. Not to mention death threats and harassment orders I've had to apply for.

Maria wouldn't be the next thing I would sacrifice. I refused to.

 I had never lost paperwork. I had never felt the need to question Maria's love or commitment but today I had done exactly that.

"Zak?" Her soft voice whispered.

I gave her a small smile "I'm here."

"I'm sorry for shouting at you." She apologised making me frown hard at the space beside her. Those should have been my words.

"No I'm sorry babe. I- We will speak about it tomorrow. Go back to sleep."

"You coming to bed?"


She nodded her head and held my hand before falling back to sleep. I held hers for a while until her hand loosened on mine letting go. I got off the bed and turned the bathroom light out before leaving the bedroom letting her sleep.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now