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3 weeks later...

Ever hear the expression from pregnant women that the bump happened over night? One minute they are hardly showing and then the next thing they know there's a bump?

Well mine didn't happen over night but it happened over the course of three weeks!

I had flown home and told my parents the news, keeping the news of Zak quiet, I told them he was working but the look on my fathers face said it all. He knew a porky pie lie when he saw one.

That and the fact I was a terrible terrible liar.

In the course of the three weeks I had picked up some new habits, ones that I didn't notice until my mom pointed them out.

That I talk to myself, apparently I can have a full length conversation with myself, and it's true, I could. I only notice as I was picking Vegetables for tea from the garden when I stopped hearing a voice, I then learnt it was my own voice.

Also that I tend to rub my belly and when I'm tired I pat it gently. My mum said usually that's a sign that I'm going to pat the baby's bum once it's here. All I knew is that I could be awake one minute and asleep the next!

Sleeping?! Oh! Where's it been all my life! I'm like a sloth and I love it!

I also had an addiction to Maltesers... Okay so I may have packed at least 20 boxes into my luggage and had more snack packs stuffed in my bag.

I wonder if they had AA meeting like alcoholic anonymous do?

Hi my names Maria and I'm addicted to Maltesers...I can't help it.

I understood that if I ate fatty food, I'm gonna get big. But right now? As I crunch down on another honey comb sphere?

It's all bloody worth it!

The direct flight back to Vegas was.... Eventful. Some woman was telling me about her life as an actress, I listened. And then choked on my drink when she said her next film was called Jizzy Lizzy. She was a pornstar.

Of course I tried to keep a straight face, even when I asked if it was 'hard' work. I know comedian as well as pregnant. I'm too funny.

But as I stood here now in the airport looking around departures I signed "It's good to be home Bubz. Now let's go find Uncle Aaron."

Pulling two cases behind me I left the airport and looked at flagging a taxi down, seeing one I stepped out when a horn honked loudly causing me to jump back. However once it stopped and I looked up I saw gormless behind the wheel..

I mean Aaron. With a cheesy grin and his finger pointing at my belly.

He clambered out causing taxis to beep as he opened his door right on them.

"Shut up and wait!" He snapped closing the door before running to me and engulfing me into a hug. I was lifted clean off the ground as he held onto me.

"Thank god you're back!"

"Told you I was coming back when you rang me the second day. I just needed time." I replied as he popped me onto the ground.

"How are you?" He asked fussing over me.

Dodging his hands as they stroked my hair back I laughed "Dude I'm not a dog."

"I worry and you hadn't answ-"

"I'm okay." I replied.

"Have you spoke to..." He paused.

"No and I think it's probably wise for the mean while... How has he been?" I asked.

Even now after three weeks of eating myself into food comas and crying myself to sleep I still wanted to know about him.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now