There's a man.

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{A/N ; Hi it's me again.. The pain who writes the books 🙈 I come baring good news and bad.. (Apologies in advance, so let's get the brutality out the way..)

The Spirits Obsession will be coming to an end. Trilogy? Aren't you guys bored of Maria & Zak now? *I haven't ruled the idea out completely- have small hope! But at the moment it's a no, mainly for ideas, unless you lovely readers have any thoughts and suggestions on what you'd like to see happen?

I'd like to personally thank each and everyone of you who take the time to read, vote and comment. I love reading your comments!  So a massive thank you to all who have read Entwined fire and The Spirits Obsession. Entwined fire has hit 16k reads! *gasps!*

Curiosity has sprung, so leave a little comment here on where you're from!  I'm from Somerset England, (yes that place where tractors go on the road and often there's sheep... Okay a lot of sheep on the roads too!

Lastly the good bit! (I'm waffling, I'm sorry, but this is important!)

Good news! ( because I am nice...) I'm definitely not going to be able to finish this in 90 chapters as originally planned. So it's going to a little longer.  *Happy dance!!!*

I'll give you 5 minutes.......

Okay okay now settle. Time to enjoy the new chapter!


I was wired...

My brain was wired for one thing and that was to see Maria in a beautiful pain under me. But as I sat in the car outside the cabin I looked across to a peacefully sleeping angel. I couldn't bring myself to wake her up or to wake her and have my wicked way with her.. In the past 24 hours a lot had happened.. Car accident, proposal, surprise baby and a surprise holiday.

She was exhausted.. And if I admitted it to myself? So was I.

I had only left the car to get the keys to the cabin and let Gracie have a toilet breaks but each time I left the car I locked Maria in to keep her safe.

I reached over and stroked my finger against her cheek. I was thanking every Lord above us right now that she was here, alive and well.

I was also glad she had listened to my advice and put on my shorts and top. At least this way I wouldn't have to wake her up and help her change. From car to bed... I'm hoping will be an easy transfer.

I got out and opened the back door for Gracie to hop out, with her nose to the ground she was sniffing erratically at the new scents and smells. I shut both doors and locked Maria inside whilst I headed into the cabin.

I smiled seeing the swans on the bed with chocolates on the pillows. Removing them I pulled the bedding back and headed out to get my fiancée out the car.

With Gracie snuffling at the white faux fur rug I slipped out and went to Maria's car door. Unlocking and opening it carefully I reached over and unplugged her belt before taking the blanket off her and scooping her up and out the car.

She woke instantly.

"Huh? We here?"

"Yes.. It's okay. Just go to sleep for me." I whispered.

"I- walk?"

"No baby I'll carry you."

She grumbled softly and pushed her head into my neck before a light snore left her body.  Smiling I took her to bed. Placing her in the white cotton sheets I removed her shoes and placed them across the room before tucking her in and kissing her head. "Sleep well my angel." I whispered before slipping out the room to collect our bags.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now