Not just a pretty face.

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Sunlight slowly broke my sleep, I rolled onto my side and opened my eyes to find the bed empty. A frown set on my face as I pushed my hand across the bed to find it cold. The pillow was still in the same position as last night which meant Zak hadn't been to bed.

Letting out a sigh I rolled onto my back and looked to the ceiling.When is this going to stop?

A clatter sounded within the house making my eye rolls to the door, I rubbed my eyes and slipped out from under the sheet when I stepped on Zak's top. It wasn't there when I came to bed last night which meant he had been here.. I picked it up and held it under my nose..

My mind replayed him coming home last night..Why didn't he come to bed then?

I put it on and padded my way through the hallway to investigate the sound.

The smell of bacon caught my senses making me instantly think that Cece was here. Not employed to feed Zak I headed to the kitchen to take over so that she could do her job and not be his maid, only to find a topless Zak with a pair of grey sweatshorts on bent rifling through the draw beside the oven.

"She's going to kill me." He muttered.

"Who is?" I asked making him jump and catch his head on the cupboard door. I yelped and covered my mouth as he grabbed his head in pain.

"FUUUUUCK!" He yelled slamming the door shut. It was one of Zak's faults.. He never shut cupboards after being in them for a while..

I went over and took the pan off before taking his wrist gently and guiding him to sit down at the table. I pulled his hand away and looked at his head carefully seeing a red mark appearing, I stepped away and pulled out a new dishcloth before putting some water on it and returning to Zak's side to place it on his head.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

I sorted breakfast whilst he nursed his head, I found it heart warming that he had made fresh pancakes and not the fake pop in the microwave ones. I always knew the difference, how?

The amount of things he used!

I sliced up some strawberries and placed them on beside the pancakes as well as some blueberries before dusting with powered sugar. Satisfied I took them to the table and placed it down, I saw Zak look at the plate and look back at his lap. Not wanting to argue I got us orange juice and sat down.

"I- Do I still have a job?" I asked making him look up at me, it broke my heart to see bags under his bloodshot eyes.

"Of course you do."

"Okay.. Good." I nodded and looked at my plate. Why did I bother making myself a plate.. I don't even want this.

I picked up the fork and pushed it against a sliced strawberry as my knee bounced under the table.

"Can we talk?" He asked after 10 minutes of agonizing silence.

"I'd like too." I mumbled putting my fork down and looking at him.

Zak removed the dishcloth from his head and put it down on the table "I shouldn't have text Alex on your phone. I shou-"

"Tell me why you did then?"

"It's not that simple." He answered. "I shouldn't have shouted at you either when you came in to see if I wanted breakfast."

"I want to know why you text him Zak."

"Maria, please I'm trying to tell you that I'm s-"

"Sorry. Yes I know. I get that you are but I can only believe it if I understand the reason behind it." I explained folding my arms and leaning on them.  He looked at me before giving a sigh and twisted his ring around in discomfort.

The Spirit's Obsession {Sequel to Entwined Fire} - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now