Chapter 67

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“So pretty much, you’re going to evacuate a village without good reason?” Antwan summarized everything we’d just told Will, Minnie and him.

“We don’t know if the reason’s good or not – the board won’t tell us the real reason, since it’s supposedly a test for us gifted students.” Simon was pacing around the room while the others were on the couches. I was sitting on the floor, my back against Will’s legs. I had my legs drawn up to my chin and rested a steaming cup of coffee on one of my knees.

“Erm, guys… I think I know what they’re trying to test.” We all looked at Minnie is shock. So far, she’d stayed perfectly quiet, but now she was suddenly speaking up with possible information.

“What is it?” Antwan pressed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“At first I didn’t know what I was overhearing, but now I know the context…” She shrugged and looked away from her boyfriend, blushing. “I just didn’t know that I knew anything worthwhile.”

“Spill it!” I exclaimed, almost spilling hot coffee over my pants.

Minnie took a deep breath before she started her story. It turned out she’d overheard a school board meeting while turning in a paper one night. Mr. Hammerhead had asked her to hand in a history paper late than night after she had failed it the first time. Officially, he wasn’t supposed to let a student rewrite it, but he’d made an exception for her. Since he needed to hand in the grades to the administration office, she had to redo the paper and hand it in that very same day. She’d managed to do a fairly good rewrite, but when she’d arrived at his office, he’d ushered her inside and told her to wait there for a moment while he quickly attended a meeting. The school board had been in the classroom next door, and she’d been able to hear the whole thing, just like we had that very morning. The meeting had been over in about ten minutes, and she hadn’t known what to make of it at the time, but now she thought it had something to do with the task we were supposed to perform during the full moon.

“Who’s on the committee again?” Antwan asked Simon – because he obviously the only one here who would remember that kind of thing.

“The principal, obviously…” he started. “Who else… Mr. Combright, Mr. Gangreen, Mrs. Ibsch, Mr. Crowley, Mrs. Hall and Mr. Hammerhead.”

“Yes, I remember hearing Mr. Gangreen’s voice,” Minnie said. “He said that a student at this school had bitten a human girl in Creskville and that he was tired of doing damage control.”

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now